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 Sina Finance

Several warrants will expire in succession, and Shanghai Stock Exchange will issue risk warning

http://www.sina.com.cn 21:35, April 28, 2007 CCTV Economic Information Broadcast

When we discuss stocks, we often mention warrants. For many investors, this is a strange security product. In fact, the warrant is only an option. At a certain time, if the relevant rights are not exercised, it will become invalid and the investment money will be lost. Recently, investors forgot to exercise their rights, and high investment turned into nothing. A few days ago, the Shanghai Stock Exchange issued a notice requiring investors to pay attention to the risk of warrants.

Shanghai Stock Exchange believes that many warrant products such as Changdian Warrant and Haier Warrant will expire soon. Relevant securities institutions should make investors understand the conditions and requirements of warrant exercise through various channels, and fully reveal the risks of warrant trading and exercise. In the reporter's interview, we learned that some investors have not paid attention to their accounts since they bought stocks. Some companies have given some warrants to investors through the split share structure reform, but some investors simply do not know and can not contact, resulting in the void of these warrants.


negotiable securities Wang Jian from Beijing Yuetan Business Department said, "We believe that investors must leave their accurate contact information when opening accounts so that securities companies can notify you before exercising their rights and do relevant work."

The staff of the securities company also reminded that the warrant trading can be done on the same day, and there is no limit on the price limit, and the investment risk is greater than

shares If you are not familiar with warrant trading, you can simply not choose the warrant account when the registered securities company cancels or opens an account. At present, there are 19 warrants in the market, and the total daily transaction amount is about 20 billion yuan. With the successive delisting of Yage warrant and Changdian warrant, there will be only 12 warrants left in the warrant market by the end of May.

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