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 Sina Finance

Steel warrants led the rise

http://www.sina.com.cn 02:38, April 24, 2007 China Securities Network - Shanghai Securities News

□ Our reporter Ye Zhan

Yesterday, the steel warrants showed outstanding performance, with the increase of Masteel warrants reaching 11.65%, and the increase of Steel Vanadium and Wuhan Iron and Steel respectively reaching 10.63% and 2.61%.

The main reason for the active performance of steel warrants is that steel stocks showed a strong upward trend yesterday. At closing, Masteel Vanadium of Panzhihua Iron and Steel Group and Panzhihua Iron and Steel Group rose 9.44% and 8.20% respectively, driving the corresponding warrant soaring.

The Steel Vanadium Put Warrant, which will be traded on the last day of the day, fell 45.67% to close at 0.295 yuan.

Similar to the previous put warrants, the intrinsic value of the steel vanadium put is also 0. Experts remind investors to pay attention to the doomsday risk.

The warrant market as a whole rose more than fell, and the six warrants that fell were all put warrants.

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