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Put warrants rebounded by taking advantage of the momentum

http://www.sina.com.cn 03:35, March 15, 2007 China Securities Network - Shanghai Securities News

The Shanghai Composite Index ended six consecutive positive days yesterday, falling 1.97%. Affected by this, the put plate of the warrant market rebounded across the board. A total of 21.932 billion yuan was traded in the two markets, a decrease of 20.61% compared with the previous trading day, and the daily turnover was 11.652 billion, an increase of 16.72%.

Yesterday's market decline led to the decline of many A-shares, and only three of the positive shares corresponding to the warrant market rose slightly. In this case, the put varieties got rid of the previous days' market, with an average increase of 4. 5% 145%。 At the same time, the sale of the put plate was also significantly active, with the turnover rate generally exceeding 100% and the average turnover rate reaching 109.531%.

   Maotai JCP1 In the late afternoon, it rose in volume and closed at 0.984 yuan, ranking first in the warrant market with an increase of 8.85%. Potash fertilizer JTP1 It was followed by an increase of 6.07% to close at 1.486 yuan. In addition, Sinochem CWB1 rose 4.68% to close at 8.924 yuan; Qiaocheng HQC1 rose 4.32% to close at 13.31 yuan, ranking third and fourth respectively, becoming one of the few rising warrants. (Shen Ying)

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