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National securities: market adjustment of put warrants

http://www.sina.com.cn 23:13, March 1, 2007 Beijing Morning Post

The market showed a trend of large-scale decline yesterday, with the Shanghai Composite Index falling 83.88 points, or 2.91%. Banking, insurance and other financial stocks adjusted after a one-day retaliatory rebound, indicating that the current institutional capital flight is very firm.

Affected by the overall market adjustment, the overall performance of put warrants was strong yesterday, with steel put warrants leading the way. As the index shows a stagflation pattern at a high level, there is considerable pressure for adjustment in the later period, and the opportunity for put warrants will continue to appear. However, investors need to be cautious in the selection of put varieties. Because the organization is optimistic Guizhou Moutai In the later stage of the trend, recently, securities companies created 10 million copies of Guizhou Moutai JTP1. Yesterday, Guizhou Moutai went up and down against the trend. We suggest that investors avoid Moutai JTP1 in the near future.

Although the performance of steel put warrants was strong yesterday Baotou Steel JTP1 It is about to expire, and the remaining maturity is only about three weeks. It is inevitable that the value will return to the original value after a sharp fall; At the same time, just because Baotou Steel JTP1 is about to expire, the securities companies will not create it during this period, and the absolute price of Baotou Steel JTP1 is very low, which is still less than 0.60 yuan at present. Therefore, Baotou Steel JTP1 is a high-risk and high-yield variety.

Due to the influence of the creation of securities companies, the market of put warrants generally does not last too long, so we believe that warrant investors can choose to trade some put warrants with small overall shares to obtain short-term returns. such as Potash fertilizer JTP1 Wanhua HXP1 The total shares of warrants are less than 200 million, and the remaining maturity is not very long. In particular, Wanhua HXP1, with a remaining maturity of less than two months, has a price of only about 1 yuan and a leverage ratio of 37 times, which is more suitable for short-term speculation. In addition, it has continuously increased its volume recently, but the increase is not very large, and there should be some room in the future. Warrant investors can focus on the stock adjustment period.

National Securities Huang Changqing Fan Ruiwen Consolidated Statement

List of total shares of put warrants

Code Name Latest Date Total Warrants (100 million)

038008 Potash JTP1 20060630 1.20

580993 Wanhua HXP1 20070228 1.89

  038001 Steel Vanadium PGP1 20051205 2.33

  038004 Wuliang YGP1 20060403 3.13

  038006 CIMC ZYP1 20060525 4.24

  038003 Valin JTP1 20060302 6.33

  580990 Maotai JCP1 20070228 7.04

  580992 Yago QCP1 20070228 7.36

  580991 Haier JTP1 20070228 7.67

580995 Baotou Steel JTP1 20070228 8.34

  580997 CMB CMP1 20070228 23.33

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