Finance and Economics

The raw water warrant plummeted, and the expert said it had no exercise value 07:11, February 6, 2007 Beijing News


  The last day saw a sharp drop of 91.05%, and experts said it was not worth exercising



The raw water put warrants encountered a large number of selling orders, resulting in the "doomsday round effect". Figure/CFP

A report from our newspaper (reporter Zhang Yufei) The warrant market was active yesterday when the trading volume of A-share market was reduced. Among them, the raw water put warrants (580994) fell 91.05% and eventually exited, while the remaining 24 warrants rose by 14%, fell by 9% and leveled by 1.

Yesterday was the last trading day of raw water put warrants, which ended in a sharp drop. Within three minutes of early trading, the warrant rose by more than 28%, reaching a maximum of 0.598 yuan. Since then, a large number of selling orders have been encountered, and prices have fallen sharply, resulting in the "doomsday round effect". The closing price dropped to 0.041 yuan, a drop of 91.05%, and the whole day turnover rate was 1168.29%.

In the warrant sector, the remaining 24 warrants were also very active, and the result was 14 up 9 down 1 flat. The total transaction amount was 12.28 billion yuan, accounting for half of the total market volume.

Statistics show that the raw water put warrants rebounded sharply last Friday, with the largest increase of more than 100% in the morning of that day. As for the exit of the raw water warrants, Dong Chen, chief analyst of Beijing First Place, said that

shares It should be understandable that the raw water put warrants can encounter explosive speculation in the last few trading days when the market investment boom gradually fades.

This is mainly because the A-share market has just entered the adjustment period, while the warrant price is low, the funds required for speculation are less, and in addition, it can obtain huge profits in the short term, so it is favored by hot money in the market. At the end of the delisting, there was some crazy hype.

The raw water put warrants will be exercised from today, and the termination date of the exercise will be February 12. The raw water warrants that have not been exercised upon expiration will be cancelled. As its positive shares, Raw water shares (600649) rose 0.62% to close at 6.54 yuan yesterday. Dong Chen said that in view of the 1.64 yuan gap between the positive share price and the exercise price of the warrants, the raw water put warrants basically have no exercise value.

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