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 Finance and Economics

Initial subscription: the Olympics+resources are coming

http://www.sina.com.cn 03:55, January 26, 2007 China Securities Network - Shanghai Securities News

The sharp drop of the market at the end of the market on Thursday was large, and a strong rebound momentum has been bred in the short term. Similar trends have occurred frequently since January this year, and there has been a sharp rebound without exception after the sharp drop of the market. Therefore, investors are advised to pay attention to the varieties suitable for the rebound in operation. For example, warrants with T+0 operational advantages have a great opportunity to make profits when they rebound, On January 8, Shouchuang's subscription rose by more than 12% in the session, and on January 15, when it rebounded, Yage's warrant rose by 19%, among which other warrants showed more obvious short-term profitability than stocks.

The first warrant is a good choice. The theme of Beijing Olympic Games and comprehensive price increase of water resources gives it great imagination Capital stock It has the authentic concept of Beijing Olympic Games. As a result, the first call warrant has multiple shock themes such as the Olympic concept, water blue chip and financial securities. At present, the 228 million share plate is the easiest to operate in the rebound market.

Recently, the warrant has gone out of a clear upward attack pattern, with ideal volume price coordination, and obviously has large capital operations. On Thursday, affected by the market decline, it fell by 6.36%, but it has made room for the subsequent rebound. The warrant is a good product for short-term speculation and long-term holding, which deserves investors' attention.

(Damuo Investment)

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