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First in Beijing: The strength of heavyweight stocks drives blue chip warrants to rise

http://www.sina.com.cn 00:00, November 20, 2006 China Securities Network - Shanghai Securities News

Weighted stocks led by ICBC and BOC have continuously strengthened, which has stimulated banks, real estate, steel, aviation and other weighted blue chips to move up in turn, injecting a strong upward driving force into the strength of relevant blue chip warrants. In addition, in the case of severe polarization of the market, weighted blue chip warrants and warrants have become two mainstream hot spots in the market, which also provides more opportunities for blue chip warrants to rise.

Recommended variety: Guodian warrant (580008): Guodian regular shares belong to CSI 300 And SSE 50, with good performance and strong expectations for medium-term strength. However, Guodian warrants, as a pocket blue chip warrant with a new weight index that has been newly listed for a short time, rose moderately and massively last Friday, with a strong desire to attack.

First release in Beijing

Stronger heavyweight stocks drive blue chip warrants to rise

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