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 Finance and Economics

The pressure of the doomsday wheel shows signs of weakening

http://www.sina.com.cn 00:00, August 18, 2006 China Securities Network - Shanghai Securities News

Although Baosteel warrant fell all the way yesterday, the subscription of Handan Steel and Baotou Steel rebounded slightly in the late afternoon.

Yesterday, the market moved out of the weak adjustment market. Affected by this, the underlying stocks of many warrants performed poorly, directly dragging down the trend of some warrants. By the end of the day, all 10 warrants had declined, with Baosteel, Yage, Ansteel and other subscription varieties leading the decline. At the same time, the performance of put warrants was strong. In addition to Vanke's doomsday round put, other types of put warrants rose across the board. Steel Vanadium, Wuliang, Shanghai Stock Exchange and other three warrants ranked among the top three in terms of increase, up 8.78%, 6.00% and 5.73% respectively.

At the same time, the two doomsday rounds continued to fall sharply, both hitting new historical lows. Baosteel's subscription fell by 32.34% throughout the day, ranking the first in the decline list, with a turnover rate of 550%, larger than the previous day; Vanke put followed, with a decline of 16.39%.

It is worth noting that, although the steel warrants continued to adjust yesterday, at the time of the late dive of Baosteel's warrants, subscription varieties such as Handan Iron and Steel, Baotou Iron and Steel, and Wuhan Iron and Steel saw a small rebound. Xiangcai

negotiable securities Zhu Huacheng believes that on the one hand, this is related to the rebound of the positive shares of some warrants, on the other hand, it also shows that the maturity risk of Baosteel warrants has been diluted, and the pressure on other subscription varieties, especially steel warrants, has begun to weaken.

(Li Jianfeng)

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