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 Finance and Economics

Market adjustment prying put warrants

http://www.sina.com.cn 00:00, July 20, 2006 China Securities Network - Shanghai Securities News

□ Our reporter Li Jianfeng

Affected by the sharp decline in the market, put warrants rose across the board yesterday. By the end of the day, all 17 put varieties had closed red.

Yesterday morning, raw water, Haier, CIMC and other products were put up for sale, with the highest increase of more than 9%, while raw water was once put up for more than 16%. After the opening in the afternoon, the market continued to adjust downward, while some put varieties with ordinary performance in the morning suddenly started to work under the impetus of a large number of buying orders. Baotou Steel's put, Wuhan Iron and Steel's put, Moutai's put, Valin, etc. all went out of the fast rising market. By the end of the day, all 17 put varieties had risen, and 11 put warrants had risen by more than 6%. Baotou Steel, Wuhan Iron and Steel and Raw Water put warrants ranked the top three in terms of growth with 19.66%, 11.85% and 6.67% respectively.

Yesterday, Baosteel's subscription showed a wave of upward trend in the early trading, with an increase of nearly 10%. But soon, when the stock fell, the variety gradually adjusted downward, with a daily increase of only 0.73%. In addition, G Wuliangye Yesterday, it fell by 4.23%, and Wuliang subscription also fell by 5.64%.

At present, the warrant market still maintains a high transaction activity. Yesterday, the total transaction volume of the two markets reached 15.4 billion yuan, ranking third in the past trading days in July.

The recent strong rise of put warrants has brought opportunities for securities companies to create warrants. On July 18, a number of securities companies set up Maotai put, Wanhua put and airport put. Among them, Dongfang

negotiable securities It created 10 million Wanhua put warrants, thus becoming the holder of more than 5% of the variety.

Zhu Huacheng, chief quantitative analyst of Xiangcai Securities, believes that with the recent rise of put warrants, their premium rate has generally risen, and the stamina is slightly insufficient. There are potential risks in blindly following the trend. Investors with good risk tolerance can get involved in those put warrants with long residual renewals and low valuation at the right time. However, it is recommended to stop at the right time and not hold positions overnight.

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