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The warrant of WISCO fell 98.35% at the end of the curtain call

http://www.sina.com.cn    02:39, April 10, 2009    Hanwang Changjiang Daily

Xinhua News Agency The warrant of WISCO fell 98.35% yesterday and closed at 0.004 yuan, close to its true value of zero.

The WISCO warrants that ended trading on the day continued to rise sharply at the opening, and dropped sharply after an hour of temporary suspension; Although the positive share price of WISCO rose 2.07% slightly to close at 7.39 yuan, there was still 2.19 yuan difference from the exercise price of 9.58 yuan of warrants; This means that if the regular shares of WISCO cannot rise by more than 30% before the expiration of the exercise period on April 16, the WISCO warrants will become useless. Since the price of WISCO warrants had dropped below 0.1 yuan in the afternoon of the same day, it was even more "cheap" and still attracted short-term funds to fight for an "unexpected" big rise in WISCO's regular shares during the exercise period, resulting in a new daily turnover rate of 18.87 times.

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