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Warrants in both cities rose by more than 18% in full line of Piaohong Steel and Vanadium

http://www.sina.com.cn    11:48, August 15, 2008    China Securities Network


News from our website (Shanghai Securities News Huang Bo)

In the morning of the 15th, with the rise of A-share, the warrants traded in both cities showed a fluctuating upward trend, and rapidly increased in volume at the end of the day. By the early closing, the whole line was red. The steel vanadium GFC1 (031002. sz), which had a rapid decline a few days ago, rose more than 18.0% today, boosted by the full line trading limit of three individual stocks in Panzhihua Iron and Steel. In addition, the other steel warrants also rose the most

As of the early closing, the two markets had been trading warrants up 0% and down 18%. Steel Vanadium GFC1 (031002. sz) was superior to the warrant market with an increase of more than 18.74%, reported at 4.512 yuan, with a turnover rate of 63.39%, Baosteel CWB1 (580024. sh) followed with an increase of 12.00%. In addition, Masteel CWB1 (580010. sh) and WISCO CWB1 (580013. sh) also ranked third and fourth with an increase of 8.11% and 6.55% respectively. Except ZTE ZXC1 (031006. sz), which had the smallest increase, rose by 0.74%, the other varieties all rose by more than 1.0%.

Galaxy Securities said that ZTE ZXC1 rose 2.07% against the trend yesterday. From the perspective of valuation alone, the premium rate of 77.98% at the close of yesterday means ZTE ZXC1 has no advantage. However, if its positive shares stop falling and rebound in the future, the warrant's small cap+high leverage feature is conducive to improving value.

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