Sina Finance

Gezhou CWB1 Continues to Rise and Fall Warrants 11:32, July 14, 2008 China Securities Network

China Securities News Today, Gezhou CWB1 continued to rise by the limit. As of 11:14, the warrant had risen by 28.65% to 2.272 yuan, and the turnover rate was 4.81%. The limit has risen for two consecutive trading days, which has made the cumulative increase of the warrant reach 80.32%. But on the whole, today's warrants are still up less and down more. Of the 17 warrants traded, only 7 rose. Guodian CWB1 and COSCO CWB1 fell 2.66% and 1.44% respectively.

Analysts pointed out that all warrants are subscription warrants, but they belong to different industries. Experts pointed out that in the absence of systematic opportunities in the equity market, the trend of warrants depends more on the industry to which the equity belongs and the attitude of the capital towards its equity.

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