Sina Finance

Sinopec CWB1 made a breakthrough yesterday Guodian CWB1 is expected to rise by the daily limit 04:57, May 22, 2008 Daily Economic News

Warrant market

Yesterday, petrochemical stocks were stimulated by the rumor that domestic oil and gas price controls might be liberalized, and their volume soared in the afternoon, driving the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets, which had been deeply adjusted in the morning, to reverse and close out of the positive line. Under the influence of regular stock trading limit, Sinopec CWB1 rose by more than 13% during the day, closing up 10.02%, and the turnover exceeded the sum of the previous two trading days.

In the morning, the subscription certificate of vanadium steel, which was once red alone, rose 6.59%, ranking second in the list of growth in the Juquan market. Tsingtao Beer CWB1, Shanggang CWB1, Guoan GAC1 and Shenzhen High CWB1, the sub new subscription certificates, increased by more than 2%. Shenzhen Stock Exchange SFC2, which continued to exercise its rights, fell by 3.35%, hitting a new low of 8.775 yuan since its listing.

Yesterday, Shenyin Wanguo announced the cancellation of China Southern Airlines JTP1 to 560 million shares, which only caused the warrant to rise by more than 8% in the session. At the close of 14:30, the selling was turbulent. China Southern Airlines JTP1 fell rapidly, with the maximum decline of more than 14% at one time. The late session rose slightly, closing down 9.78%, hitting a new year low of 0.305 yuan in the session.

In addition, 427465000 Guodian CWB1 will be listed today. Zhang Han of Guotai Jun'an believes that, based on the 240 day historical fluctuation rate of 59.53%, the opening reference price of Guodian CWB1 on the first day is 2.55 yuan, and the ceiling price is around 3.48 yuan; Considering that the reasonable valuation of the warrant market is around 100% of the implied volatility, the corresponding market price is around 3.87 yuan. It is recommended to sell it around 3.9 yuan. Every reporter Zhang Biao

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