Sina Finance

The expressway right leads the rise of China Southern Airlines, and the risk of sharp drop in its put is highlighted 10:16, March 27, 2008 Panorama Network

Panorama, March 27 - Today's morning market continued to fall sharply, with the Shanghai Composite Index falling below the 3500 point mark, a new adjusted low. However, there are many hot spots in the warrant market, and the expressway right leads the rise of the right market, driving the activity of sub new options. Yesterday, after the sharp rise in the early morning market of Quanwang Southern Airlines' put, it fell sharply, highlighting the risks.

The warrants of Shenzhen High tech CWB1 and Jiangxi Guangdong CWB1 highways have performed well. At present, Shenzhen High tech CWB1 has increased by more than 20% in the session, and Jiangxi Guangdong CWB1 has also increased by 15%. The substantial increase of two new options has led to the overall activity of options, and all options have become popular at present. After the 18% sharp rise in China Southern Airlines' put, the withdrawal of speculative funds was obvious, resulting in a sharp drop in its price, which once plummeted nearly 10%, with a higher amplitude of 28.61%. The speculation risk of huge shocks is highlighted. The current sales volume of China Southern Airlines has exceeded 10 billion yuan. Today's trading volume in the stock market is expected to significantly exceed yesterday's level. (Panorama/Thunderstorm)

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