Sina Finance

Two put warrants rose sharply in late trading 02:30, March 13, 2008 China Business Daily

At the end of the 12th day, short-term funds took advantage of the sharp decline of Shenzhen and Shanghai stock indexes to rapidly pull up two put warrants in the two markets, of which the put warrants of China Southern Airlines rose by 11.31%; Wuliangye Put warrants also rose by 10%.

15 warrants in two markets on the same day except Shanggang Group The rest of the warrants fell, except for the warrants which rose 5.38% against the trend. 8 warrants fell by more than 5%, leading the decline ZTE Warrants fell by 9.3%.

The total transaction amount of warrants in the two markets on that day was 30.309 billion yuan, equivalent to the previous trading day; China Southern's put warrants accounted for 8.194 billion yuan, the largest share. (Xinhua News Agency)

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