Sina Finance

Sub new warrant hot surge 09:53, March 11, 2008 Shanghai Youth Daily

Sub new warrant hot surge

Yesterday's Hong Kong subscription was significantly stronger. Several new options listed in February dominated the performance of the afternoon stock market, with hot spots surging. The sale of Wuliang continued to march on the road of return, with a decline of more than 17%.

Xinquan Shanggang CWB1, which was listed on Friday, unexpectedly opened at a flat market yesterday morning and turned green in an instant. However, with the rapid intervention of speculative buying, its price soared all the way. In the late market, it made a fresh start, hitting the ceiling at one stroke, and finally ended up 35.73%, with a turnover rate of 670.55%. The transaction volume also leapt to the first place in terms of purchase right, surpassing Sinopec CWB1. Stimulated by the trading limit of CWB1 in Hong Kong, Ganyue CWB1 and COSCO CWB1, which were listed in February, accelerated to rise in the afternoon. Ganyue CWB1 rose by more than 9%, closing up by 6.95%, and COSCO's intraday increase was also more than 5%, but it fell back to 1.44% in the late afternoon.

Yesterday, a total of 27.639 billion yuan of warrants were traded in the two markets, more than 30% larger than that of last Friday. The turnover of three large cap warrants, namely Shanggang CWB1, Petrochemical CWB1 and China Southern Airlines JTP1, accounted for 70% of the warrant market.


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