Sina Finance

Warrants rise and fall in half a day 12:49, March 3, 2008 China Securities News - China Securities Network

As of the noon closing, 8 of the 15 warrants had risen and 7 had fallen, with obvious signs of differentiation. Among them, the biggest increase and decrease was in Wuliang Warrant. The call certificate YGC1 rose 6.22%, and the put certificate YGP1 fell 10.00%., The rise and fall of other warrants did not exceed 4%.

Analysts pointed out that the performance of warrants today was relatively flat. On the one hand, it was difficult to grasp the accurate trend because of the broad market volatility, and on the other hand, it was impossible to get enough follow orders because of the lack of good speculation reasons for funds. However, it can be seen from the different performance of the Wuliang Warrant that the risk of the put warrant is still large.

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