Sina Finance

News: Put warrants rose collectively 10:23, February 13, 2008 Sina Finance

Sina Finance News Due to the overall decline of global stock markets during the Spring Festival holiday, the two markets opened lower on the first trading day after the festival, while the sharp fall of the Shanghai Index gave the performance opportunity for put warrants. At present, put warrants have risen collectively, led by China Southern Airlines JTP1 with a 14.68% increase, Valin JTP1 Up 4.23%, Wuliang YGP1 Up 9.85%.

The three sell options all opened high in the morning, and they rose together driven by Wuliang's sell. Wuliang's sell was the first to hit the price limit order and was temporarily suspended by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for one hour. China Southern Airlines' sell took over its leading flag and continued to soar.

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