Sina Finance

China Southern Airlines' early selling soared by 46%, and Wuliang was temporarily suspended again 10:10, January 29, 2008 Panorama Network

Panorama, January 29, when the market did not rebound strongly today, put warrants, driven by speculative funds, have soared again. In just half an hour, China Southern Airlines' put has reversed from a drop of more than 4% to a rise of 46.11%, with an immediate increase of more than 50% and an early turnover rate of more than 100%. and Wuliang YGP1 Due to the limit of increase, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange temporarily suspended trading 18 minutes after the opening when the increase reached the limit.

The price of "Wuliang YGP1" (securities code 038004) fluctuated abnormally in today's trading. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Trading Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Interim Measures of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the Administration of Warrants, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange suspended the trading of the warrants for one hour from 9:48:11 today and resumed trading at 10:49.

However, as of the time of writing, China Southern's put has been greatly suppressed by profit taking, and the increase has shrunk to about 20%. With such a sharp fluctuation, retail investors must be cautious in participating. (Panorama/Thunderstorm)

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