Sina Finance

Trading volume of warrant market rose by more than 70% last week 08:40, January 28, 2008 Panorama Network - Securities Times

According to Haitong Securities According to the statistics of the Research Institute, the trading volume of call warrants and put warrants rose significantly last week, and the overall trading volume of the warrant market rose 78.24%.

Among them, the trading volume of CSG CWB1 and Yunhua CWB1 of the warrant has been increased by more than 100%, SAIC CWB1 Although the trading volume of WISCO CWB1 and Steel Vanadium GFC1 changed slightly, there was also an increase of more than 30%, and the daily average trading volume of the final warrant increased by 58.71% compared with last week. Put warrant transactions continued to rise, China Southern JTP1 Valin JTP1 and Wuliang YGP1 The trading volume of put warrants increased by 87%, 63% and 38% respectively compared with the previous week, which ultimately drove the trading volume of put warrants up 79.92% compared with the previous week. The daily average transaction amount of the warrant market was 17.29 billion yuan, up 35.02% from the previous week, including 38.51% for call warrants and 29.7% for put warrants. (Lu Rong)

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