Sina Finance

SZSE urges SZSE SFC1 holders to exercise their rights in time to avoid losses 18:46, December 25, 2007 Sina Finance

Sina Finance News Shenzhen Development SFC1 exercise period is coming to an end, and there are still 14% investors who have not exercised their rights. To this end, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange urged investors to exercise their rights as soon as possible on the 25th.

According to the statistics of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, as of the closing of December 25, the cumulative proportion of SFC1 warrants of Shenzhen Stock Exchange that have been declared for exercise is about 86%, and 14% of negotiable warrants have not yet been exercised. Industrial Securities, Guosen Securities and Jinyuan Securities had the highest share of SFC1 call warrants that had not been declared for exercise.

SZF SFC1 warrant (031003) has been exercised since November 19, 2007, and the exercise period is from November 19 to December 28, 2007, of which December 24 to December 28 are non tradable exercise periods. Since the exercise period of SZSE SFC1 warrant will end on December 28, if the exercise is not carried out, the investors holding the warrants may suffer losses. SZSE requests all member units to earnestly urge the subordinate business departments to do a good job of investor services, remind the holders to participate in the exercise in a timely manner, and avoid unnecessary losses due to missing the exercise period.

     Related reports:

     14% of Shenzhen SFC1 warrants have not been exercised

     Shenfa SFC1 ends today

     SZF SFC1 should sell and exercise on the last trading day today

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