Sina Finance

Shenzhen Stock Exchange takes the most severe measures to supervise the speculation of put warrants 02:09, September 26, 2007 China Business Daily

CIMC put warrants were suspended by the Exchange for three times during the session, and only traded for 38 minutes throughout the day, still rising 54.15% in the closing

Jiang Fei

The crazy hype of put warrants in June this year reappeared yesterday. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange took the most stringent regulatory measures since the warrant trading, focused on monitoring the trading of three put warrants, restricted trading of accounts suspected of violations, and reported to the CSRC for investigation and punishment.

Due to abnormal transactions, Shenzhen Stock Exchange urgently CIMC ZYP1 (038006.SZ)、 Valin JTP1 (038003. SZ) and Wuliang YGP1 (038004. SZ) Three put warrants were temporarily suspended during the session. Among them, the change of CIMC ZYP1, which is less than 2 months away from the exercise period, is particularly obvious. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange has suspended its trading for three consecutive times, with only 38 minutes of trading time throughout the day.

Shortly after the opening of the market yesterday morning, a large number of orders appeared for all three put warrants, and the prices began to rise rapidly. Within 4 minutes from 9:42 to 46, Shenzhen Stock Exchange temporarily suspended the trading of three warrants for 30 minutes.

At 10:22, CIMC ZYP1 was suspended for another hour after the resumption of trading, with an increase of 28.20%. After the opening in the afternoon, this warrant continued to jump for the third time, with an increase of nearly 45%. Shenzhen Stock Exchange suspended its trading until the call auction before the closing, that is, 14:57. However, in the call auction stage, this put warrant, which has no intrinsic value, still stubbornly rose to 54.15%. The turnover rate reached 112.11% in the 38 minute trading time of the whole day. At the closing, the positive shares of CIMC ZYP1 CIMC (000039. SZ) fell only 0.92%.

By the end of the day, the closing prices of Valin JTP1 and Wuliang YGP1 had risen by 30.38% and 25.71% respectively, with turnover rates of 194.81% and 249.76%. The positive shares of these two warrants fell by more than 3% yesterday.

The exercise prices of the three put warrants are far lower than the current stock prices, and they have no intrinsic value. As the last trading day approaches, they will be like waste paper.

"The 'doomsday round' was wildly hyped in June, and some investors want to copy the market at that time," said an analysis by a senior investor in Shenzhen. He believed that the recent market continued to fluctuate, which also made some funds turn away from the market. Due to different risk preferences, they chose to buy new shares and speculate on highly speculative warrants.

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Trading Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Interim Measures for the Administration of Warrants of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange has taken the most severe intervention measures since the warrant trading, and three consecutive intraday suspensions are rare since the listing of warrants.

In the last day round of speculation in June, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange took a number of measures and formed a system, including strengthening the monitoring of warrant transactions, and restricting the trading of accounts with significant changes in warrant prices caused by large, continuous and frequent returns in accordance with relevant regulations; Improve the risk warning and control mechanism, and take risk control measures such as temporary intraday suspension for abnormal fluctuations of warrants in a timely manner; Timely report the acts suspected of market manipulation to the CSRC for investigation and punishment; Further strengthen warrant risk warning and investor education; Review and study the improvement of warrant trading mechanism.

In addition, according to relevant regulations, SZSE can restrict the trading of accounts with serious abnormal trading for up to 15 trading days, and at the same time, the members who fail to cooperate with the self-regulation of the Exchange will also be given corresponding disciplinary punishment.

In addition to the three put warrants mentioned above, China Southern Airlines JTP1 (580989. SH) in Shanghai market also rose 16.53%. In addition, the call warrant Guoan GAC1 (031005. SZ) listed yesterday rose by 36.41% throughout the day.

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