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 Sina Finance

Short term focus on Shenzhen Development Warrant Warehouse Keeping Guodian JTB1

http://www.sina.com.cn 08:00, August 14, 2007 Daily Economic News

Monday, on Yangtze Power , Sinopec, Bank of China, ICBC and other first-line blue chips rose significantly, and the Shanghai Index stood at 4800 points. However, the market's cautious attitude increased, and the stocks in the two markets still fell more than rose less, while the put warrants except for the doomsday round CMB CMP1 Except for closing down 15.18%, all others rose and Valin JTP1 China Southern JTP1 Wuliang YGP1 Being among the top five gainers also indicates that some funds that are short of the short-term future market have begun to intervene in the market seesaw put warrants.


The top gainer in the Juquan market yesterday was recommended by this column last Thursday Guodian JTB1 , closing up 6.08% to 10.53 yuan, once rising more than 12% in the session Guodian Power The closing price rose 3.29%, and the opening price had a limit rise. This column believes that Guodian Power has the following characteristics: directional additional issuance, overall listing, new

energy Environmental protection, capital injection commitment and other topics will be fulfilled in succession, and the midline still has considerable upward potential, so Guodian JTB1 can be absorbed on a bargain and continue to hold until the end of the month.


It is worth noting that SDB will release its semi annual report this Thursday. Previously, it had expected that the net profit in the first half of 2007 (according to the new accounting standards) would increase by 125% to 145% compared with the same period of the previous year (not adjusted according to the new accounting standards). Therefore, it is very likely that SDB will make a significant short-term offensive, which will provide short-term arbitrage opportunities for SDB SFC1 and SFC2, Investors can pay close attention.


In terms of put warrants, although securities companies began to accelerate the cancellation of CMB CMP1, for example, on August 11, there was a national capital
negotiable securities
And Guotai Jun'an cancelled 339 million copies, but according to the data of Shanghai Stock Exchange, there are 349 million copies in the hands of the founders of China Merchants Bank's put. CMB CMP1 continues to plunge sharply, which will bring pressure on the rise of other put warrants. It is suggested that investors should carefully participate in the speculation of the put warrants and wait and see.
Zhang Biao's Daily Economic News

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