Sina Finance

Two put warrants were suspended during the session 01:40, August 3, 2007 Beijing News

According to our correspondent (reporter Wu Min), the put warrants that rose sharply on Wednesday both fell sharply yesterday, but the trend of Valin's put and Wuliang's put was strange, and they rose sharply during the session, causing the Shenzhen Stock Exchange to temporarily suspend the trading of these two heavily hyped warrants during the session.

The Shanghai Stock Index rose 2.49% yesterday, but fell back in the afternoon. The dramatic scene of put warrants occurred when the market fell back. After 1:30 yesterday, the market continued to dip and the two warrants continued to rise. Before suspension, Valin JTP1 It rose 14.27% to 292.39% at 13:43. This is the first warrant that has risen more than 10% for two consecutive days since the two exchanges "strictly controlled" the risk of warrants on July 9, and the turnover rate is close to 300%. Therefore, from 13:43:16, Shenzhen Stock Exchange temporarily suspended the warrant for 30 minutes.

At 14:13, after the resumption of trading, Valin JTP1 fell sharply all the way to the closing down 7.07%, and changed hands by 428.27%, with an amplitude of 26.54%. Wuliang YGP1 The trading was suspended three minutes after the suspension of Valin JTP1, and the trend was the same as that of Valin JTP1. The trading rose 13.50% before the suspension and fell 6.9% after the resumption.


negotiable securities Analysts pointed out that most of the put warrants have no value at present, and the risk of speculation in the put warrants is too high.

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