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 Sina Finance

Maotai Put Accelerated Zeroing Low Suction Negative Premium Warrant

http://www.sina.com.cn 08:00, May 15, 2007 Daily Economic News

Although the rumors of bad news were flying everywhere last weekend, it was the short sellers who were finally fooled yesterday. The Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets continued to rise, driven by the rising of the first tier blue chips. Steel stocks stopped falling and rebounded. The CWB1 and GFC1 recommended by this column several times last week also rose more than 2%. However, on the whole, the subscription certificate shows a trend of high consolidation, and investors need to be cautious in catching up.

Yesterday was Yago QCP1 and Yago QCB1 The last trading day of. Yage QCP1 finally closed at 0.002 yuan, down 96.83%, leading the exercise due on May 29 Maotai JCP1 Accelerated to zero, down 42.29%; Yage QCB1 closed at 21.988 yuan, down 0.47%. The exercise period of this butterfly warrant is five trading days from May 17 to 21. The exercise price of Yage QCP1 is 4.09 yuan, much lower than Youngor Yesterday's closing price of 26.44 yuan was worthless; However, the exercise price of Yage QCB1 is 3.66 yuan, with a negative premium of 3.2% at present, and the holder can exercise arbitrage.

At present, 6 of the 11 warrants in the two cities are in a negative premium state, including Changdian, Wuliang, Steel Vanadium, Magang, Qiaocheng and Yage warrants, while the premium rate of Yunhua and Wugang warrants is more than 30%. The large number of negative premium warrants is not only related to the higher and higher absolute price of warrants and the smaller and smaller leverage ratio, but also shows that investors are not as optimistic about the later trend of related positive stocks as before.

This Thursday is Changdian CWB1 On the last trading day, the premium rate is temporarily negative but not significant. If the positive shares continue to decline, they may become positive premiums and lose arbitrage opportunities. Holders should pay close attention to the trend of their positive shares and make decisions on the fate of warrants.

In the future, the blue chip stocks with the concept of asset injection or overall listing of central enterprises are expected to become the hot spots in the market in the second half of the year, so Sinochem CWB1, Steel Vanadium GFC1 and Guodian JTB1 It is worth noting that their regular shares are the only listed companies of major shareholders of state-owned enterprises in the A-share market, and they cannot be created by securities companies. The premium rate is very low, so investors can participate in bargain hunting. Zhang Biao's Daily Economic News

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