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Hangang subscription warrant exercisable put warrant

http://www.sina.com.cn 10:23, March 29, 2007 Daily Economic News

Zhang Biao's Daily Economic News

On Wednesday, the Shanghai and Shenzhen indexes fluctuated sharply in the middle of the day, but the subscription certificate of Handan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., as expected by the author, rose with the positive shares, up 5.26%. The near Japan column suggested that the risky Olympic concept pioneer subscription certificate continued to fall sharply, down 3.88%, ranking the first in the decline.

Handan Steel's subscription certificate will be terminated and exercised from today, with the exercise date from March 29 to April 4. Hangang's regular shares closed at 6.81 yuan yesterday, Hangang JTB1 The exercise price is 2.73 yuan, and the internal value is 4.08 yuan, which is higher than the closing price of Handan Steel JTB1 yesterday of 3.702 yuan. Theoretically, the current profit per exercise is (4.08-3.702)=0.378 yuan, and the interest rate is more than 10%. Therefore, the holders of Handan Steel JTB1 should actively prepare for capital exercise. Even if the main shares of Handan Steel fell sharply during the exercise period, there is no need to worry. After all, the main shares of Handan Steel have hot topics such as overall listing, participation in brokers, mergers and acquisitions, and there is no doubt about the rising potential of the midline.

In the future, the "28/20 phenomenon" reappeared in the two markets yesterday, with most stocks falling and a few large market blue chips rising. It is expected that this market feature will continue in the short term, so the blue chip subscription certificate in the power market is expected to regain its upward trend after the adjustment, and the steel subscription certificate will become the leading product, and investors can buy on the cheap.

Although the stock index fell in the intraday yesterday, which made many put warrants rebound to a certain extent, both the trading volume and turnover rate were different from those waves of hot market last year, so the author still recommends investors to refuse temptation and not participate in the speculation of put warrants.

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