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Steel subscription warrants continue to rebound

http://www.sina.com.cn 09:51, March 26, 2007 Daily Economic News

Last week, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets fluctuated upward, but the warrant market was stagnant, and the trading volume also shrank significantly. The total turnover was only 68.6 billion yuan, 30.9 billion yuan less than the previous week. Among the subscription certificates, the steel subscription certificate performs well, such as Baotou Steel JTB1 The weekly rise was 7.07%, and the weekly rise of Steel Vanadium GFC1 was 6.02%. However, compared with the positive shares, the rise was obviously lagging behind. Under the influence of the doomsday put certificate, the average decline of the put certificate was more than 7%. It is still advisable to wait and see in the short term.

From a fundamental perspective, the demand of the steel industry is strong this year, the steel stocks are good, and the steel subscription certificate is still in play. Short term companies can pay close attention to subscription certificates of Steel Vanadium, Baotou Steel, Masteel and Handan Steel. In particular, the exercise will expire on March 28 Hangang JTB1 In the late afternoon of last Friday, it rose 6.26%, ranking first in the list of gains, but its premium rate is still -4.13%, which is obviously worth exercising, so it is advisable to buy on bargain and plan to make profits from exercising.

It should be specially reminded that investors holding Baotou Steel JTB1 should exercise their rights within this week (26-30 days), otherwise they will be cancelled after 30 days, causing losses. Baotou Steel JTP1 Last Friday, it dropped by - 97% to 0.006 yuan, which has no exercise value, and the holder should not exercise again. Zhang Biao

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