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Continue to hold steel warrant and guard against the trend of selling warrant

http://www.sina.com.cn 10:59, March 14, 2007 Daily Economic News

Zhang Biao's Daily Economic News

On Tuesday, the core blue chip led by bank shares was still weak, and the market maintained a high volatility and dilemma. The put and warrant in the warrant market again took the lead in the increase list alternately. The strong rise of steel shares and their warrants verified the proposal of boldly absorbing steel warrants put forward in this column yesterday.

The adjustment of CMB for more than two months seems to be continuous, which made the put warrant of CMB significantly stronger yesterday afternoon, ranking first with a 9.9% increase; The subscription certificate of Baotou Steel, which was specially recommended by the author yesterday, rose by 8.387%, and those of Changdian and Guodian also rose by more than 5%.

In the future market, the Shanghai Composite Index has closed 6 consecutive positive days, accumulating a certain amount of profit, which increases the possibility of market shake. Therefore, investors should mainly wait and see the subscription certificates that have increased too much in the previous period and are rebound in nature, while the steel subscription certificates can continue to be held. Especially 925.7 million copies Hangang JTB1 It will expire on April 4. As Handan Iron and Steel JTB1 is a deep in price warrant, it is inevitable that it will be exercised by the market substantially. The dispute over the controlling right of Handan Iron and Steel will probably lead to greater investment opportunities for its warrants, so we can pay close attention to it and get involved in bargain hunting.

In addition, in March, April and May, there will be three warrants, three warrants and six warrants in the market, most of which are put warrants. Therefore, the put warrants will face a bloodbath of value return in the next few months. It is difficult to avoid a fall across the board. The risk of involvement in the short and wide spread is very high, so it is advisable to look far ahead and not buy them. At the same time, Jiangxi Guangdong Expressway , WISCO Rizhao Port The company plans to issue separately traded convertible corporate bonds, and the accompanying listing of subscription certificates will inject fresh blood into the speculation of subscription certificates, so investors can continue to pay attention to blue chip subscription certificates and intervene in time.

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