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Foreign exchange inquiry:

Iron and Steel Warrants Advance Vigorously and Be Alert to High Risk

http://www.sina.com.cn 08:00, January 10, 2007 Daily Economic News
Yesterday, the Shanghai Composite Index was able to rise more than 100 points in a single day and successfully recover 2800 points, which contributed to the soaring progress of the steel sector. As a result, the iron and steel subscription certificate continued to be strong. The Maanshan Iron and Steel Subscription Certificate rose by 22.57%, ranking the first, driven by the limit of the increase of regular shares. The Handan Iron and Steel Subscription Certificate recommended in this column yesterday ranked the second with 12.22%, while the Baotou Iron and Steel Subscription Certificate rose by 7.82%, ranking the fourth.
High price warrant Wanhua Subscription Certificate rose 9.25%, ranking the third in the increase, driven by the 7.93% rise in the main shares. However, considering that the current price earnings ratio of the main shares is more than 50 times, the valuation is already on the high side, and the expected rise space is limited, so it is not suitable to blindly follow up.
In contrast, the performance of the put warrant is relatively weak, except for those recommended in this column yesterday Wuliangye In addition to the continued increase of 4% in the put certificate, others are either slightly up or slightly down. The raw water put due in February and March and the Shanghai Airport put due in March respectively ranked the top two with 4.81% and 4.46% respectively, reflecting that one of the most risky varieties in the bull market is the quasi doomsday round.
In the future market, China Life Insurance landed in the A-share market at a high price of nearly 40 yuan, giving other blue chips a new imagination of rising. More second tier blue chips will join the ranks of price compensation in the future market. Therefore, the market still has a short-term upward momentum, which will continue to bring opportunities for some warrants, such as the pioneer warrants.
Its shares Capital stock Integrating the themes of Beijing Olympics, public water and infrastructure, the midline has great potential for growth, while the initial warrant has recently shrunk and risen, with obvious strength. There is a great opportunity for short-term expansion and short-term difference, and it can be involved in bargain hunting.
Zhang Biao's Daily Economic News

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