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Jiangsu Tianding: There are still opportunities for WISCO warrant

http://www.sina.com.cn 07:05, November 16, 2006 Shenzhen Business Daily

Apocalyptic WISCO JTP1 Warrants have captured the attention of the market in the past two trading days. The maximum increase of this variety on this Tuesday exceeded 500%, while it rose more than 100% in the middle of the day yesterday, but it fell sharply after the afternoon market, and finally closed with a decline of 46.90%. Warrants have a strong time value. If they cannot be exercised after expiration, they will be a piece of waste paper. From the perspective of WISCO warrants, due to the sharp decline of WISCO warrants yesterday Wuhan Iron & Steel In yesterday's surge, the exercise opportunity of WISCO warrant still exists. However, for WISCO put warrants, the probability of exercise tends to zero, because the exercise price is 2.83 yuan, while the closing price of WISCO JTP1 yesterday was 0.06 yuan, that is to say, only when the market price of WISCO shares is lower than 2.77 yuan, will it have the value of exercise after buying WISCO JTP1, but the current closing price of WISCO shares is 3.35 yuan, so it is impossible to exercise.

However, in the bull market, the price of regular shares keeps rising. Under the premise that the exercise price of the initially set warrant remains unchanged, the price difference means that the warrant still has opportunities. For example, yesterday's WISCO JTB1 At the closing, the stock market plummeted by 21.24% to close at 0.497 yuan, but since the exercise price was 2.62 yuan, that is to say, as long as the stock price was higher than 3.117 yuan, it was possible to exercise

Wuhan Iron & Steel It rose by 4.04% to close at 3.35 yuan, which means that Wuhan Iron and Steel JTB1 has a price difference of 0.24 yuan, which has 50% room to rise compared with the current price. Therefore, it is not ruled out that the warrants of Wuhan Iron and Steel JTB1 continue to soar today. (Qinhong, Tianding, Jiangsu)

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