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WISCO launched a crazy counter attack at the end of the warrant

http://www.sina.com.cn    08:41, November 15, 2006    Sichuan News - Chengdu Business Daily

Sichuan News Network - Chengdu Business Daily News

Up 542%! Yesterday, WISCO put warrants (580999, closing price 0.113 yuan) launched a crazy counter attack when the curtain was about to end!

Yesterday, the put warrants of WISCO opened at 0.067 yuan. After a brief dip of 0.056 yuan, the price soared all the way. At about 11:00 a.m., the highest price rose to 0.366 yuan, up 542%, creating a record for the rise and fall of warrants in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets!

In the afternoon, the warrant continued to fluctuate at a high level, but still rose by more than 300% Wuhan Iron & Steel The impact of the recovery of the positive shares has dropped sharply, but there was still a 98.246% increase at the closing. 8.0345 billion transactions were completed, with a turnover rate of 1695%.

Due to the excessive volatility, the warrant was suspended by the SSE for 15 minutes from 14:00 yesterday to remind the trading risk.

Yesterday, the Shanghai Stock Exchange announced the top five trading seats of WISCO put warrants, and their buying and selling volumes were almost the same.

Analysts pointed out that the share of WISCO's put warrants was 474 million, but the turnover rate yesterday was as high as 1695%, which was obviously because speculators were singing their own praises to attract buy in. As the price of WISCO shares (600005, closing price 3.22 yuan) was still higher than the exercise price of 2.83 yuan per share, WISCO's put warrants were totally a piece of waste paper, and it is likely to fall to 0.001 yuan at the close of today.

Today is the last trading day of two WISCO warrants, and the risk will be very high. It is recommended that investors not blindly participate in it.

Yili Warrant is listed today

The metabolism of warrants is also in progress. Today, 110 million Yili warrants will be listed for trading at an exercise price of 8 yuan per share for a period of 12 months. Yesterday, Yili Shares It closed at 18.23 yuan, and the reasonable price of Yili Warrant was 10.23 yuan.

Analysts pointed out that warrants are often hyped by funds on the day of listing, and Yili warrants are likely to be significantly hyped today. Due to its small circulation, it may become the object held by institutional investors for a long time.

Reporter Mao Jinnan

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