Where does WISCO warrant go in the last two trading days

http://www.sina.com.cn 04:57, November 14, 2006 China Business Daily

Zhang Xin

Today and tomorrow are the last two trading days of the two WISCO warrants. Before the trading is stopped from this Thursday, the future of the two WISCO warrants, especially the WISCO call warrant (580001. SH), may depend on the market's expectation of the trend of the regular shares of WISCO (600005. SH) in the next few days.

Yesterday, WISCO call warrants and WISCO put warrants (580999.SH) fell by 27.71% and 62.00% respectively, and finally closed at 0.613 yuan and 0.057 yuan respectively. The exercise prices of Wuhan Iron and Steel JTB1 and Wuhan Iron and Steel JTP1 after dividend and ex dividend adjustment are 2.62 yuan and 2.83 yuan respectively. According to the closing price of Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. yesterday of 3.17 yuan, the theoretical value of Wuhan Iron and Steel JTB1 is 0.55 yuan and the theoretical value of Wuhan Iron and Steel JTP1 is zero.

Previously, because the performance growth of the third quarter report generally exceeded expectations, and as a low P/E ratio and high cash dividend plate, steel listed companies were once the target of market funds. Wuhan Iron and Steel JTB1 has a hot market that has tripled in 8 trading days, and Wuhan Iron and Steel JTP1 has also risen sharply with a single day increase of 33.18%. However, if calculated according to the highest transaction price, the decline of Wuhan Iron and Steel JTB1 has exceeded 50% in five trading days, and the decline of Wuhan Iron and Steel JTP1 has exceeded 70% in two trading days.

Analysts pointed out that yesterday WISCO JTB1 The decline of 27.71% was due to Wuhan Iron & Steel The whole world fell by 3.35%, WISCO JTP1 Since the internal value is zero, it will face value regression.

Some short-term investors also believe that the trend of WISCO warrants is still difficult to predict in the last two days of renewal period. If WISCO shares continue to go out of the same trend as yesterday, then WISCO JTB1 may go out of the earth shaking market, which needs to be verified by the market.

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