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Handan Iron&Steel rose strongly Handan Iron&Steel JTB1 rose sharply

http://www.sina.com.cn 08:23, November 3, 2006 Panorama Network - Securities Times

   Handan Steel Strong rise

Handan Iron and Steel (600001) is one of the leading enterprises in China's iron and steel enterprises, and its shareholding structure is relatively special, in which the proportion of tradable shares in the total capital stock is as high as 50.5%, making it possible to acquire tradable shares to achieve the purpose of holding shares. At the previous stage, Baosteel raised its brand Handan Iron and Steel in the market and attracted widespread attention. The company's earnings per share in the first three quarters reached 0.25 yuan, a significant improvement over the first half of the year, and this good momentum is expected to continue. At present, the dynamic P/E ratio is only over 10 times, which is seriously undervalued.  

On the secondary market, the net asset per share of the stock is 3.87 yuan, while the current stock price is still just over 4 yuan, so the investment risk is extremely low. The excellent investment value of this stock is not only favored by Baosteel Group, but also Fortis Bank and several securities companies occupy the list of top ten shareholders, which shows that its investment value has been widely recognized. The recent volume of the stock can be significantly enlarged, and a strong upward channel has been formed. The time for short-term outbreak has appeared, and it is recommended to pay close attention to it.

(Jinmeilin Investment/Yuanda Investment)

   Hangang JTB1 The rising trend is fierce

Handan Iron&Steel JTB1 (580003) is the warrant with the largest circulation share at present, and Handan Iron&Steel's unique equity structure makes it the warrant with the most acquisition value. According to the latest data, Handan Iron&Steel Group has 1.774 billion shares of Handan Iron&Steel. However, since 926 million warrants were sent out during the share reform, the number of shares held by Handan Iron&Steel Group will decline to 848 million shares after full exercise, and the shareholding ratio will rapidly decline to 30%. At the same time, Baosteel Group and its subordinate enterprises once held 140 million shares of Handan Iron and Steel, which has exceeded the bottom line of 5%. Potential M&A themes have brought huge imagination.

On the secondary market, recently, the steel warrants have been sought after by the main funds, while the recent increase of Handan Iron and Steel JTB1 has lagged behind, but the average turnover rate on Sunday has reached more than 125%. There is an obvious sign that the main force is sweeping away funds, and the market is expected to launch a vigorous price supplement in the future. It is suggested to focus on it. (Huizheng Finance)

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