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 Finance and Economics

Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued Vanke HRP1 warrant risk warning

http://www.sina.com.cn 11:25, August 16, 2006 PRNEWS.cn China Business Telecommunication

Shenzhen 2006-08-16 (China Business Telecom) - Recently, Shenzhen Stock Exchange released a report on“ Vanke HRP1 ”The full text of warrant risk warning is as follows:

On August 15, 2006, the closing price of "Vanke HRP1" (securities code: 038002) was 0.070 yuan, G Vanke A (Securities code: 00000 2) The closing price is 6.18 yuan, and the exercise price of the warrant is 3.73 yuan. At present, the intrinsic value of the warrant is 0, and the theoretical value calculated according to the Black Scholes model is 0. August 28, 2006 is the deadline for the transaction of "Vanke HRP1", with only 9 trading days left. The Exchange solemnly reminds investors to pay attention to trading and holding risks and make rational investment.


negotiable securities exchange

August 15, 2006

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