Sina Finance

Weekly Review of Warrant Market: Crazy Put Performance, Never Catch up blindly 13:50, February 23, 2008 China Securities Network - Shanghai Securities News

-Weekly review of warrant market

The overall performance of Shanghai and Shenzhen markets continued to be weak this week, and the overall trend of the warrant market was also weak, with only a few put varieties showing some performance.

Under the drag of the weakness of the regular stock market, the varieties of warrant basically maintained the trend of adjustment this week, and SZPEX SFC2, WISCO CWB1 Wuliang YGC1 The weekly decline was more than 3%, but a few varieties such as Cloud CWB1 and Guoan GAC1 bucked the trend, and Cloud CWB1 rose 4.94% in the week. In fact, the strength of these two varieties has something to do with the strength of the chemical sector of the stock market. This week, the weight index stocks continued to be depressed, but the performance of theme stocks was quite eye-catching, and the chemical sector was one of them. The future market should follow the principle of avoiding the heavy and taking the light when grasping the operation opportunity of warrant, and pay more attention to small cap varieties.

This week's weak market made the put warrants stronger, especially the put performance of Wuliang and China Southern Airlines. Among them, the weekly increase of Wuliang put was as high as 56.38%, and that of China Southern Airlines 16.75%. However, not all of the puts could soar. Valin's put fell by 94.97% this week. Next Wednesday, the warrant will enter the exercise period. Because it is a high premium, the holder will suffer great losses if he chooses to exercise, so remind investors not to blindly pursue the rise.

(Sun Hao, Zhejiang Lijie)

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