Sina Finance

The warrant market fell sharply this week, with a total turnover of 86.449 billion yuan 22:09, January 25, 2008 China Securities Network

WASHINGTON: The latest warrant market analysis report released by derivatives researchers of Ping An Securities Research Institute on January 25 shows that this week (January 21-25), the warrant market showed a trend of large-scale decline. In terms of transaction, the total transaction volume in the warrant market this week was 86.449 billion yuan, up 35.02% from last week; Among them, the transaction of subscription certificates was 53.491 billion yuan, 38.51% higher than last week; The sale of put warrants was 32.958 billion yuan, up 29.70%.

In terms of specific varieties, all warrants have been released, of which the most obvious are Shengao CWB1 and Yunhua CWB1. The weekly trading volume increased by 155.90% and 114.67% respectively compared with last week. Vanadium GFC1 and SAIC CWB1 The volume is unclear, and the turnover of other subscription warrants has increased by 40% to 70% compared with last week.

In the put certificate Valin JTP1 The turnover of Wuliang JTP1 was basically the same as last week. The turnover of China Southern JTP1 increased by 53.38% compared with last week.

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