Sina Finance

On the first day of listing, Shenzhen High Tech CWB1 closed its trading limit 08:50, October 31, 2007 Nanfang Metropolis Daily

News from our newspaper (reporter Rong Mingmai) Shenzhen Expressway The separable convertible bond "Shenzhen High CWB1" (580014) was closed at the ceiling price of 4.879 yuan all day, with 10670 transactions and a turnover rate of less than 1%. Analysts believe that the trend is in line with expectations, and from past experience, future warrants are still likely to rise.

The initial exercise price of Shenzhen High CWB1 is 13.85 yuan/share, and if the exercise price and exercise proportion are adjusted due to dividend and stock dividend, they shall be subject to the relevant provisions of Shanghai Stock Exchange. The number of Shenzhen High CWB1 warrants listed this time is 108 million, the duration is from October 30, 2007 to October 29, 2009, and the exercise period is from October 23, 2009 to the mid trading day of October 29, 2009. The opening reference price on the first day was 3.341 yuan/share, which was sealed in the ceiling version all day yesterday. Market insiders said that according to the previous practice of listing new warrants, there will be 2-3 trading limits after listing.


negotiable securities Analysts pointed out that the investment value of the current period of segregated bonds was recognized by the market. The original shareholders of unlimited A-shares actively participated in the placement, and other investors actively participated in online and offline subscription. The winning bid rate was 0.2903%, with fund companies, securities companies, and insurance companies becoming the main players in subscribing to the current period of segregated bonds. Considering the small scale of warrants for the current period of segregated bonds, and the high probability of rising and falling for several consecutive trading days after the listing of warrants, it is recommended that investors sell warrants at the right time within a few trading days after the listing.

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