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 Sina Finance

Chemical warrants took turns to create a huge amount of strength to suppress Nangu

http://www.sina.com.cn 08:21, September 19, 2007 Daily Economic News

The stock index above 5400 points is not only subject to the pressure of profit taking and unwinding, but also many investors are particularly cautious due to the management's cooling attitude. As a result, the recent sharp rise in subscription certificates is not sustainable, and the main force is forced to speculate in warrants by means of successive moves. Yunhua CWB1 and Sinochem CWB1, the two chemical warrants in the market, have recently taken turns to play the leading role. After your side's singing, I came on the stage. Yesterday, these two subscription certificates were staged for half a day, which is a clear proof. In the morning, Sinochem CWB1 followed Sinochem International It opened low and walked high. In the afternoon, it dived to once turn green, while Yunhua CWB1 came into force one after another, rising more than 16% at one time, and closing up 9.85%. Since September 3, its cumulative increase has been close to 80%.

The stock index fell on a large scale in the middle of the day on Tuesday, which has a lot to do with the recent surge in the steel sector and its adjustment. Both Maanshan Steel CWB1 and Wuhan Steel CWB1 fell by more than 3%, ranking the top two declines in the power market, but the decline was far less than that of their regular shares. Put warrants are offset by stock index adjustment, Wuliang YGP1 and Valin JTP1 They rose 2.49% and 0.31% respectively, and Wuliang YGP1's biggest intraday increase was nearly 8% CIMC ZYP1 The shipping signs are obvious, slightly down 0.67%, while China Southern JTP1 citic securities The 300 million shares created by Everbright Securities and 18 million shares created by Everbright Securities closed 2.02% lower at 1.987 yuan under the attack of listing and trading yesterday. In the future, investors should carefully control their positions in the face of growing market risks due to the high running of the stock index. They should appropriately sell the subscription certificates at high prices. Short term experts can pay appropriate attention to the put certificates created by non securities companies, such as Wuliangye Valin put warrant, fast forward and fast out.

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