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 Sina Finance

Warrant: Champion Gold Rushing Pool

http://www.sina.com.cn 16:14, May 9, 2007 Jinyang - Yangcheng Evening News

In 2006, there were more than 20 warrants in the mainland, but the trading volume was RMB1990 billion, ranking first in the global warrant market.

In 2005, there were only four warrants in the mainland market, 1304 in Hong Kong and 69457 in Germany during the same period. However, the trading volume of warrants in the mainland ranked fourth in the world that year. Since the beginning of this year, the trading volume of warrants in the mainland has remained at a high level, reaching 987.8 billion yuan in the first quarter, 49.6% of the total trading volume in 2006.

It is understood that there has been a special "warrant family" in the market at present, that is, except for warrants, there is nothing to do. According to reliable news, these "warrant families" have made huge profits. It is rumoured that the margin will double in one or two months, making the warrant market a veritable champion gold rush pool.

As more and more share reform warrants are about to expire, the number of warrants in the mainland market is decreasing. At present, there are 19 warrants still trading in the mainland market, but only 7 warrants will survive until 2008. east

negotiable securities Huang Dong, a derivative financial analyst, said that the number of warrants traded in the current market is obviously on the low side, and the market needs to increase the variety of transactions urgently, otherwise it may affect the enthusiasm of the market.



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