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From 2 yuan to 2%, Shenneng warrants ended with a sharp fall

http://www.sina.com.cn 01:00, October 20, 2006 Oriental Morning Post


Following Baosteel and Vanke ( information quotation forum ) The third maturing warrant after the warrant Shenneng JTP1 ( information quotation forum ) (038005) It also staged the "swan song" of the "doomsday round". Yesterday was its last trading day, the warrant fell 94.74% sharply, closing at 0.002 yuan, with a turnover rate of 615.99%. Shenneng JTP1 exercised its rights from today to October 26. Analysts pointed out that the warrants are out of the money warrants and have no exercise value, and will lose 0.56 yuan per exercise share.

Shenneng JTP1 fell 21.05% at the beginning of trading yesterday, and then went down all the way in shock. The final decline was up to 94.74%, the price closed at 0.002 yuan, and the turnover rate was up to 615.99%. From the highest price of 1.997 yuan on May 22 to the closing price of 0.002 yuan yesterday, only desolation remains after the prosperity of Shenneng JTP1.

Corresponding to its positive share of Shenzhen Energy ( information quotation forum ) A (000027) closed up 0.69% to close at 7.25 yuan. There is still a gap of 0.558 yuan between the positive share price and the exercise price of Shenzhen Energy JTP1 of 6.692 yuan.

Shenzhen Energy's announcement shows that Shenzhen Energy's warrants will be exercised today, and the deadline for exercise is October 26. The exercise of Shenzhen Energy JTP1 is subject to "T+1" settlement. The investor has made an exercise declaration on T day and has not withdrawn it. The exercise capital on the second day will be automatically credited to the settlement reserve account of the participant, and the corresponding number of warrants and Shenzhen Energy A shares in the investor's securities account will be deducted. The exercise capital on the third day will be automatically credited to the investor's capital account. Shenneng JTP1 that has not exercised its rights until October 26 will be cancelled.

Analysts pointed out that compared with Shenzhen Energy A At the closing price of 7.25 yuan yesterday, if investors choose to exercise, it is equivalent to selling Shenzhen Energy A shares at 6.692 yuan per share, with a direct loss of 0.56 yuan per share.

The warrant market rebounded moderately yesterday, showing relatively active performance. The 25 warrants traded yesterday rose 7% and fell 2%, Guodian JTB1 Trading was suspended, with a total turnover of 2.5 billion yuan, which was the same as the previous trading day.

The butterfly warrant of WISCO led the warrant market yesterday. among WISCO JTP1 ( information quotation forum ) It rose 5.363% to close at 0.334 yuan, WISCO JTB1 ( information quotation forum ) It rose 4.902% to close at 0.428 yuan. These two warrants will expire on November 22. The latest exercise price of Wuhan Iron and Steel JTP1 is 2.83 yuan, and the latest exercise price of Wuhan Iron and Steel JTB1 is 2.62 yuan. Compared with the stock price of 2.77 yuan, both warrants are in the price at present.

Guosheng Securities believes that with the expiration of Shenneng JTP1, the market risk of warrants will be further released this week, and then it will face a short period of low risk. The opportunity for successful warrant speculation will increase. Investors can actively select varieties to participate in warrant trading this week. Guosheng's high-risk active portfolio for investors is Wuhan Iron and Steel JTB1 and Yago QCP1 ( information quotation forum )

Morning Post reporter Sun Liyun

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