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Sad put warrant

http://www.sina.com.cn 02:24, October 18, 2006 Beijing Business Daily


"I knew it was inevitable to be sad. Why do you want to be in love?" Vanke ( information quotation forum ) Warrants have come to a dismal end. Yesterday, Shenneng put warrants also fell below 0.1 yuan to 0.081 yuan, a drop of up to 32.5%. WISCO put warrants also embarked on the road of value return. Since speculation in put warrants is always sad, why should speculators love them?

"You said that you loved people you shouldn't love, and your heart is full of scars." An investor who cut down Vanke warrants at 3 cents said that he would never buy put warrants in the future. The speculation of Vanke warrants left him scarred. After nearly half a year of speculation, he paid no less service fees, and finally he could only cut out at 3 cents, almost completely wiped out.

So is the put warrant worthless? From a practical point of view, warrants with longer maturities still have some value. Relevant experts said that warrants with a residual maturity of more than three months are relatively safe. Warrants expiring within one month are of high risk and are generally not suitable for use. Especially for out of price warrants, the loss of time value accelerates. At this time, even if the stock price fluctuates in the right direction, the appreciation of warrants may not be able to compensate for the loss of time value. It is not surprising that the situation of losing money depends on the right direction.

In other words, it is not impossible to fall in love with warrants, but you must abandon warrants before they abandon you, and avoid the arrival of the final judgment day before other investors withdraw.

Zhou Kejing

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