Finance and Economics

Xiangcai Securities: Vanke warrants will become waste paper 13:27, August 25, 2006 Securities Daily

Yesterday, the Shanghai Composite Index opened at 1612.70, with the trend of first restraining and then rising. The highest point in the session was 1623.17, the lowest point was 1601.89, and it closed at 1623.02, up 0.66%. After the breathtaking curtain call for Baosteel's subscription the day before yesterday, the warrant market was generally flat yesterday, and investors' enthusiasm for participation cooled. Some put warrants, such as those of WISCO, CIMC and Baotou Steel, have shown a trend of first rising and then declining under the influence of the market. Several subscription varieties with positive stock trends have received some attention from the main funds, such as Changdian subscription and Wanhua subscription, which were also ranked in the top two of yesterday's increase list.

Another Doomsday Wheel Vanke ( information quotation forum ) The performance of the put is more calm than the day before yesterday. Except for a sudden rise of more than 0.04 yuan at about two o'clock, it has always shown a downward trend, and the value gradually returns to rationality.

The performance of the stock index is still weak this week, and there is a lack of sustained market hot spots. Due to this, the performance of the warrant market is relatively flat, but short-term opportunities still exist. It is recommended that investors carefully choose the type and timing of entry. Recently, there are signs of short-term gains in the market. At the same time, from the perspective of technical form, the warrant has entered a good upward channel. Investors can pay more attention to the trend of positive shares and the trend of main funds, and take the opportunity to enter boldly.

There is still room for speculation in Vanke's sell, and the price may fluctuate significantly, but the speculation should not exceed Baosteel's purchase. As the expiration date approaches, it is undeniable that Vanke Warrant will follow Baosteel Warrant ( information quotation forum ) Later, it has basically become a piece of waste paper, and investors must be careful. Xiangcai

negotiable securities Zhu Huacheng

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