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 Finance and Economics

Series 3 of Psychological Tactics of Warrant Market

http://www.sina.com.cn 10:57, August 19, 2006 Life News

   Section 2 Wave Signal


1. The third wave must enter the market

Because in the wave theory, the third wave is the least deceptive wave, especially suitable for steady speculators. (Please note that I didn't use the wrong word, because I never believe that the Chinese stock market has investment value.) Even if you don't do anything in the market, you will definitely become a winner in the risk market if you specialize in the third wave, The breakthrough position of the third wave often coincides with the position of morphological theory.

Example 1: 030002, the third wave of the daily line chart was the breakthrough of 2.845 yuan on April 14.

Example 2: 038003. The breakthrough of RMB 1.252 on April 21 was the third wave of the daily chart.

Example 3: 038004. The breakthrough of 1.330 yuan on April 21 was the third wave of the daily chart.

Example 4: 580998, (hour chart) The third wave was when the opening price broke through 0.780 yuan on the morning of July 13, and then rose 54% that day.

Example 5: 580994, (15 minute chart) At 11:00 on July 13, breaking through 0.354 yuan was the third wave.

Example 6: 030002 (15 minute chart) At 14:15 on July 24, breaking through 8.400 yuan was the third wave.

The above third wave breakthrough has different time analysis units, corresponding to the long, medium and short and ultra short lines respectively. How to use it should be selected according to your own reading time, capital size and psychological endurance. However, it should be noted that if the market develops according to the forecast, we can make the short term into the medium and long term. When the market goes against the trend, we should never make the short term into the medium and long term.

2. The fifth wave enters the market

When breaking through the top of the third wave, it is likely to be the fifth wave; The third wave is often a breakthrough in flag shape, head and shoulders, while the fifth wave has few of these patterns; According to the wave theory, the fifth wave can take the form of failure, especially the fifth wave in the 1-minute chart, but it is often very profitable at this time.

Example 1: 030002 (daily chart) On April 28, the fifth wave broke through 4.058 yuan, and the highest was 11.67 yuan later.

Example 2, 580993 (15 minute chart), the rising wedge from July 17 to 19, and the fifth wave tends to move into the rising wedge.

3. Market entry at the end of the fifth wave down

This is the market entry point with the highest profit but relatively low risk. For example, before July 12, I entered the market in the fifth wave of 580998's fall, and the price of 0.687 yuan was near the lowest. But I also suffered a lot. I didn't get out of 0.780 yuan, and was hit by it to 0.680 yuan. Later, it didn't get out of 0.751 yuan, and then fell to 0.691 yuan. But I made up my mind that as long as I didn't break 0.675 yuan, I would probably get to the bottom. I broke 0.675 yuan, and lost little.

This is a long-term approach, so everyone should pay attention to the fact that the market entry price of the long-term approach is generally low. Don't talk about the long-term approach when you reach 1.000 yuan. The stop loss position is too large. However, we do not suggest that you use this dangerous move to extract the fear from the fire now. It is the best policy to make the third wave of money safely. (End)

Tiger Lord

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