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 Finance and Economics

Watch out for high premium warrants

http://www.sina.com.cn 08:44, July 27, 2006 Shenyang Online - Shenyang Evening News

In the case that the overall market has not yet fully stabilized, many warrants jumped short and opened low yesterday. With the decline of the overall market, put warrants have gone out of the trend of shock and rise to Airport JTP1 All of the put warrants led by JTP1, JTP1 Shanghai Market JTP1 and Steel Vanadium PGP1 They rose 17.78%, 11.39% and 9.96% respectively. Put warrants rebounded as a whole. In the afternoon, the stabilization of the market also made the trend of warrants warmer and more red. end of the market Baosteel JTB1 and Vanke HRP1 The highest gains in the session were 15.98% and 14.51%.

Although most of the warrants closed in red, the overall trend of the warrant plate is not optimistic. The active warrant market has made an indelible contribution to stimulating the popularity of the stock market and driving the stock market out of the five-year bear market, but warrants are not

shares They just "have the right not to use them, and they will become invalid when they expire". The most advanced Baosteel Warrants and Vanke Warrants that have entered the right period have been in danger. As most warrants are still seriously overvalued at present, once a companion becomes waste paper, other seriously overvalued warrants will also follow the trend and return to the intrinsic value.

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