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 Finance and Economics

Late Dive in Warrant Market Put Warrant Becomes a Disastrous Area

http://www.sina.com.cn 02:16, July 21, 2006 China Securities Journal

Reporter Xu Haiyang

Yesterday, the main board market of Shanghai and Shenzhen rebounded weakly, but the warrant market was "diving" around 2:30 p.m. Only 3 of the 27 warrants in the two markets rose, and 18 warrants fell by more than 10%, of which only those with intrinsic value of 0 Baosteel JTB1 They are call warrants, and the other 17 are put warrants.

In fact, after yesterday's opening, the warrant market has undergone obvious differentiation. All warrants rose, WISCO JTB1 The highest increase in early trading even exceeded 13%; Except Haier JTP1 In addition, the put warrants declined collectively, but not significantly. However, at about 2:30 p.m., the warrant market began to "dive" collectively. The biggest drop in Baosteel JTB1 in half an hour was close to 25%. Wuhan Iron and Steel Group, Baotou Iron and Steel Group, Handan Iron and Steel Group, Pioneer Youngor , Changdian, etc. Put warrants further increased their decline, and Vanke and Moutai put warrants both increased their decline from about 10% to more than 20%.

Analysts pointed out that, from the perspective of value, the put warrants with high premium rate were in the forefront of the decline, indicating that the market recovered to a certain extent the previous irrational state. However, the collective diving of late warrants indicates that short-term funds may withdraw from the warrant market.

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