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 Finance and Economics

Put warrants: short-term opportunities are very promising

http://www.sina.com.cn 17:46, July 17, 2006 Sina Finance

On Monday, the Shanghai Composite Index and Shenzhen Composite Index opened at 1662 and 4179 points respectively, with a more stable trend than yesterday. The Shanghai Composite Index reached 1684 points at the highest level, 1653 points at the lowest level, and 4164 points at the lowest level. The trading volume of the Shenzhen Composite Index and Shanghai Composite Index was reduced to about 48.6 billion yuan. Showing an upward trend of shock.

In the process of market volatility, investors are most concerned about which plate is the most powerful? According to the trajectory of market rotation and the flow of funds, we believe that there are considerable opportunities in the put warrants sector. But why do you say that? The trend of warrants and the market has always had a seesaw effect. The cumulative increase of related sectors has been too large, making the short-term opportunities of the stock market suddenly smaller. The major opportunities for substantial increase are mainly concentrated in the warrant market that has not fully explored the low P/E ratio, the transfer of shares with high performance and has always had a seesaw effect with the market trend. China's stock market has always lacked a short selling mechanism, but with the implementation of the split share structure reform, put warrants have become the only investment product with short selling momentum in the current market, which makes the only 16 put warrants in the current market the biggest bright spot in the adjustment market, with an average increase of more than 40% in the last three trading days last week, of which Airport JTP1 It has doubled the market, showing a strong attack. At the same time, benefiting from the trading rules of T+0, the actual profit space of actively traded put warrants has been greatly enlarged, becoming the best investment variety for short-term sudden profits. It is suggested that short-term investors focus on the leading varieties.

Attention to individual stocks: Recently, the stock index has once again seen a long negative line of high volume, and the enthusiasm for short-term market investment has been significantly curbed, which has made the only put warrant with short selling function in the current market favored by the main fund. The put warrant varieties have increased by an average of more than 40% in three trading days, and the airport JTP1 has doubled, showing a strong attack. As the market continues to adjust, we believe that put warrants still have the potential to be active again and again, and investors can focus on those with low prices CMB CMP1 (580997)。

Hot topic 1: the only short variety, adjusting the biggest hot spot in the market.

China's stock market has always lacked short selling mechanism, but with the

Non tradable shares With the reform, put warrants have become the only investment variety with short momentum in the current market, which makes the only 16 put warrants in the current market the biggest bright spot in the adjustment of the market. The average increase in the last three trading days of last week reached more than 40%, among which the airport JTP1 doubled, showing a strong attack. At the same time, benefiting from the trading rules of T+0, the actual profit space of actively traded put warrants has been greatly enlarged, becoming the best investment variety for short-term sudden profits.

Hot topic 2: low price, great attack potential.

At present, the market price of most put warrants in the market is below 1 yuan, which makes this sector the cheapest investment product in the current market and has the strongest explosive potential. The put warrant of China Merchants Bank CMP1 (580997), which we highly recommend, is currently priced at less than 0.5 yuan, while the stock price of China Merchants Bank is about 7.5 yuan, so its maximum daily fluctuation range can reach about 0.94 yuan, that is, the maximum daily increase can be close to 200%, which is difficult for other investment varieties in the market at present.

Hot topic 3: active trading and continuous counterattack at the bottom.

In the secondary market, with the recent market adjustment, put warrants have gained the focus of short-term funds. CMB CMP1 (580997) had a turnover rate of 83% last Thursday and 170% last Friday. The signs of large fund operation are very obvious. From the trend analysis, the warrant hit a lasting low of 0.335 yuan and then steadily counterattacked. Last week, with the cooperation of the market, it broke out strongly. The trend of short-term strength has emerged. The follow-up market is worth looking forward to, and investors are advised to focus on it.

Huizheng Finance

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