Sina Finance

Express delivery of the evening announcement of the listed company on December 2 19:53, December 2, 2007 Sina Finance

(00000 1, 031003, 031004) Shenzhen Development A: The board of directors approved the company's plan for non-public offering of shares

The 39th meeting of the 6th Board of Directors of Shenzhen Development A was held on December 1, 2007, and the following proposals were adopted:

1、 Proposal on the Scheme for Non public Issuance of Shares by Shenzhen Development Bank Co., Ltd.

2、 Proposal on Approving the Share Subscription Agreement with Effective Conditions between the Company and Investors.

3、 Proposal on the Feasibility Report on the Use of the Funds Raised from the Non public Offering of Shares.

4、 Proposal on the Special Report on the Use of the Fund Raised Previously.

5、 The Board of Directors agreed to convene the fourth extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company in 2007 on December 19, 2007 to review the proposal of the Company's non-public offering of shares and other proposals.

6、 Proposal on Requesting the General Meeting of Shareholders to Authorize the Board of Directors to Fully Handle the Non public Offering of Shares.

7、 Proposal on Authorizing the Chairman of the Board to Handle Matters Related to the Non public Offering of Shares.

  (000400) XJ Electric : The transfer of 0.3% shares of the company transferred by Xuji Group for free has been completed

After inquiring about the progress of the state-owned enterprise restructuring and the introduction of strategic investors of Xuji Group Co., Ltd., it is learned that the assets and capital verification, financial audit and asset evaluation of Xuji Group are still in progress.

The transfer of 0.3% of the shares of Xuji Group to Xuchang Development and Investment Company for free has been completed by both parties in accordance with relevant regulations and procedures.

  (000403) S * ST Biochemistry : The second extraordinary general meeting and related shareholders' meetings of 2007 were held on December 24

1. Meeting time

Time of on-site meeting: 14:00, Monday, December 24, 2007

Online voting time: December 20, 2007 - December 24, 2007

The specific time for online voting through the trading system of Shenzhen Stock Exchange is 9:30-11:30 a.m. and 13:00-15:00 p.m. on December 20, 21 and 24, 2007; The specific time for voting through the Internet voting system of Shenzhen Stock Exchange is any time from 9:30 on December 20, 2007 to 15:00 on December 24, 2007.

2. Equity registration date: December 17, 2007

3. Place of on-site meeting: 35/F, Block A, Union Square, Futian District, Shenzhen

4. Convener: Board of Directors

5. Meeting mode: on-site voting, online voting and entrusted voting of the Board of Directors.

6. Matters to be considered at the meeting: Proposal on Using Capital Reserve to Increase Share Capital to Circulation Shareholders for Share trading Reform.

(000403) S * ST Biochemistry: Instruction for Share trading Reform

1、 Key points of reform plan

The non tradable shares held by the non tradable shareholders of the Company will be listed and circulated on the first trading day after the implementation of the share trading reform plan.

Consideration for share delivery: Sanjiu Biochemical Co., Ltd. increased its share capital to the shareholders of tradable shares registered on the equity registration date of this non tradable share reform with 507450900 yuan of the company's capital reserve. For every 10 tradable shares, the shareholders of tradable shares received 5 shares, which is equivalent to 2.1 shares of consideration paid by the holders of non tradable shares for every 10 shares.

2、 Commitments of non tradable shareholders

Zhenxing Group and Hengyuan Coal Industry, as potential shareholders who proposed this reform proposal, promised to comply with the provisions of laws, regulations and rules and fulfill their statutory commitments. Including not listing for trading or transfer within 12 months from the date of implementation of the reform plan; After the expiration of the period referred to in the preceding paragraph, the original non tradable shares shall be sold through listing on the stock exchange, and the proportion of the sold shares in the total number of shares of the company shall not exceed 5% within 12 months, and shall not exceed 10% within 24 months.

Zhenxing Group makes a separate commitment that the Company will start to inject 91.6% of the shares of Shanxi Zhenxing Group Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of the Group that owns electrolytic aluminum assets (the company's total assets are 2834080000 yuan and net assets are 1642320000 yuan) and other high-quality assets into the listed company S * ST Biochemical by means of private placement within four months from the date of completion of the share reform. And the shares newly held for this reason will not be listed for trading or transferred within 36 months from the end of the issuance.

The holders of non tradable shares who participated in the split share structure reform made a commitment to abide by the provisions of laws, regulations and rules and fulfill their statutory commitments.

3、 Schedule of this reform extraordinary general meeting of shareholders

The registration date of the shareholders' meeting related to the share trading reform was December 17, 2007, the date of holding was December 24, 2007, and the place was 35/F, Block A, Shenzhen Union Plaza.

4、 Arrangement for suspension and resumption of trading of securities related to this reform

1. The listing of relevant securities of the Company has been suspended, so the relevant securities will not be re traded during the period of the split share structure reform until the Company meets the conditions for resumption of listing and obtains the approval of the Exchange.

2. The Board of Directors of the Company will start the negotiation and communication procedures between the holders of non tradable shares and the holders of tradable shares as of the date of publication of this reform statement in accordance with relevant regulations. The Board of Directors of the Company will announce the communication and negotiation between non tradable shareholders and tradable shareholders and the final reform plan before December 12, 2007.

3. If the company fails to announce the negotiated reform plan within the specified time limit, the company will apply to Shenzhen Stock Exchange for an extension of disclosure of the communication plan.

(000504) CCID Media: The controlling shareholder failed to reach a cooperation intention with CICC Industry, and the company's shares were resumed

CCID Media resumed trading on December 3 because its controlling shareholder, the Computer and Microelectronics Development Research Center of the Ministry of Information Industry, failed to reach an agreement with Qingdao Zhongjin Industrial Co., Ltd.

The Company and its controlling shareholders will not discuss relevant restructuring matters in the next three months.

(000520) Changhang Phoenix: clarification announcement

On November 30, 2007, the Shanghai Securities News released a report on CSC Phoenix The report of the controlling shareholder, China Changjiang Shipping (Group) Corporation, "Shipbuilding assets of China Changhang are expected to benefit from the capital market", states that China Changhang may consider to make shipbuilding assets enter the capital market as soon as possible by injecting into listed companies. The clarification of Changhang Phoenix is as follows:

The above report is not true.

After consulting the management of China Long Airlines, the company confirmed that:

1. China Long Airlines has not studied the issues related to the introduction of its shipbuilding assets into the capital market through the injection of listed companies.

2. So far and within the foreseeable three months, the Company and its controlling shareholder, China Long Airlines, will not consider the same matter.

At present, all businesses of the company are operating normally, and there is no information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed.

(000545) * ST Jiyao: transfer 99.9% equity of Henghe Weikang Pharmaceutical with 12 million yuan

*ST Jiyao transferred 99.9% equity of Jilin Henghe Weikang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. to Shi Ligeng, a natural person, at a price of 12 million yuan.

The agreement was signed on November 30, 2007.

It is estimated that this transaction will bring about a loss of about 1.38 million yuan to the enterprise, and has no significant impact on the company's financial status and operating results.

  (000585) Northeast Electric : 11354875 restricted shares were listed and circulated on December 4

1. The actual number of shares subject to restrictions on sales is 11354875 shares.

2. The listing and circulation date of the restricted shares is December 4, 2007.

(000656) ST Dongyuan: controlling shareholder reduces 1.39% of the company's shares

On November 28, 2007, Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued the "Concern Letter on the Supervision of Chongqing Dongyuan Industrial Development Co., Ltd." to the company regarding the reduction of shares held by ST Dongyuan's controlling shareholders, and the fact that the company's controlling shareholders and relevant personnel of the proposed restructuring party had bought and sold the company's shares six months before the suspension of the company's shares.

The controlling shareholders (persons acting in concert) of the company, Sichuan Hongxin Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and Sichuan Qifeng Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., explained in reply to the concern letter that as of November 2, 2007, the total number of shares of the company reduced by Hongxin Real Estate and Qifeng Group was 3472092 shares, accounting for 1.39% of the total capital stock of the company, of which 1421046 shares were reduced by Hongxin Real Estate, Qifeng Group reduced 2051046 shares.

  (000667) Celebrity Real Estate : The Board of Directors agreed to establish Shenyang Branch

The 28th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors of Celebrity Real Estate was held on November 30, 2007, and the following proposals were passed:

1、 Proposal on Establishing Shenyang Branch;

2、 Proposal on Establishing a Special Deposit Account for Raised Funds.

(000667) Celebrity real estate: transfer of SST Happiness equity

Celebrity Real Estate and the controlling shareholder Celebrity Investment Group Co., Ltd. have completed the transfer of the company's shares of Hubei Xingfu Industrial Co., Ltd. in accordance with relevant regulations on November 28, 2007. As of November 28, 2007, the company held 60 million shares of Xingfu Industrial, accounting for 19.18% of the current total share capital of Xingfu Industrial.

(000670) S * ST Tianfa: risk warning of stock reform progress

The main reason why S * ST Tianfa has not entered the share reform procedure is that Hubei Tianfa Industrial Group Co., Ltd., the largest shareholder of the company, and Jingzhou No. 1 Timber Corporation, the second largest shareholder of the company, were involved in some disputes over bank loan guarantee contracts, and all their respective shares in the company were held by Hubei Jingzhou Intermediate People's Court The People's Court of Xisaishan District of Huangshi City entrusts Jingzhou Dianshi Auction Company to auction according to law.

Through public auction, Shanghai Shunyuan Enterprise Investment Development Co., Ltd. won 707483200 corporate shares held by Hubei Tianfa Industrial Group Co., Ltd; Jinma Holding Group Co., Ltd. won 25.6 million corporate shares held by Jingzhou First Timber Corporation. At the same time, according to the company restructuring plan ruled by the Hubei Jingzhou Intermediate People's Court, the company's long-term investment, fixed assets, intangible assets and current assets will be auctioned publicly.

(000691) ST Huandao: acquisition of equity and project usufruct by participating companies

On November 14, 2007, ST Huandao received a notice from the joint-stock company Beijing Lanjing Lijia Mingguang Furniture and Building Materials Co., Ltd. that the company had signed the Equity Transfer Agreement and the Project Earnings Right Transfer Agreement with the relevant parties on October 24, 2007, Acquired 99% equity of Beijing Dazhong Temple Mingguang Boutique Furniture, Building Materials and Home Decoration Market Co., Ltd. and 70% usufruct (including but not limited to rental income) of Beijing Lanjing Lijia Lize Home Building Materials Center Project from October 1, 2007 to December 30, 2023, with the transfer price of 80 million yuan and 60 million yuan respectively.

(000719) S * ST Xin'an: the judicial auction of the company's shares originally scheduled for December 3 was postponed for some reason

On November 30, 2007, S * ST Xin'an received a notice from the Henan Higher People's Court that the auction of 37506012 S * ST Xin'an social legal person shares held by Henan Garden Group Co., Ltd. was originally scheduled to be held on December 3, 2007 due to a dispute over the loan contract between S * ST Xin'an's major shareholder Henan Garden Group Co., Ltd. and Nanyang Huayin Co., Ltd., and the auction was postponed for some reason.

  (000818) Chlor alkali : The controlling shareholder is in contact with relevant parties on bankruptcy reorganization, and the company's shares are suspended

The controlling shareholder of Jinhua Chlor Alkali Jinhua Chemical (Group) Co., Ltd. and its manager are in contact with relevant parties about the bankruptcy and reorganization of Jinhua Group. Due to the major uncertainty of the matter, the company applied to Shenzhen Stock Exchange according to relevant regulations, and the trading of the company's stock "Jinhua Chlor Alkali" will be suspended from now on, and resumed no later than January 3, 2008.

(000968) Coal gasification: 39519000 restricted shares were listed and circulated on December 5

1. The total number of shares released from restrictions on sales this time is 39519000 shares, accounting for 10% of the total capital stock of the company.

2. Taiyuan Coal Gasification (Group) Co., Ltd. is the shareholder of shares whose sales restrictions are lifted this time.

3. The listing and circulation date of the restricted shares is December 5, 2007.

(000979) ST Keyuan: The major shareholder and Zhonghong Zhuoye Group have reached a preliminary oral opinion on the company's equity transfer and asset restructuring framework

ST Keyuan learned from the inquiry of Suzhou New Area Construction Investment Co., Ltd., the largest shareholder, that after three months of contact and negotiation, Suzhou Xintou and Zhonghong Zhuoye Group Co., Ltd. have reached preliminary oral opinions on the company's equity transfer and asset restructuring framework, but they still have not reached agreement on some specific issues such as the number of share transfers and industrial integration.

As of the date of this announcement, the two parties have not signed any formal agreement on equity transfer and asset restructuring, nor have they reached any solution on the company's bank debt restructuring.

In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of investors, the company plans to announce the negotiation results and resume trading on December 6, 2007.

(000981) SST Languang: major restructuring issues continue to be suspended

Relevant departments of Gansu Provincial Government have studied and determined that Baiyin Nonferrous Metals Group Co., Ltd. will be the restructuring party to restructure SST Languang. Since it is still necessary to reach an agreement with the creditor bank, and plans for restructuring, debt clearing, share reform, etc. are being formulated, which may have a significant impact on the trading price of the company's shares before the important matters are determined, the company applied for the suspension of the company's shares from December 3, 2007 to December 14, 2007. After the scheme of the reorganized party is determined, it will apply for resumption of trading as the case may be.

  (000996) Jieli Shares : The Board of Directors elected Jiang Rong as Chairman and appointed him as General Manager

The first meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of Jieli Co., Ltd. was held on November 30, 2007, and the following proposals were reviewed and passed:

1、 Jiang Rong was elected Chairman of the 5th Board of Directors of the Company.

2、 Appoint Jiang Rong as the general manager of the company; Appoint Xu Chaowu as the Secretary of the Board of Directors and Deputy General Manager of the Company; Zhang Wen was appointed as the assistant to the general manager and the manager of the financial management center of the company.

3、 Proposal on Election of Members of the First Special Committee of the Company.

4、 It is agreed that the holding subsidiary Meijie Investment Management Co., Ltd. will transfer its 50% equity of Qingdao Melco Automobile Trade Co., Ltd. to Shenzhen Meijie Industrial Co., Ltd. at a price of 18.17 million yuan.

  (002067) Jingxing Paper : Tips for convening the fourth extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2007 on December 6

1. Convener: Board of Directors

2. Equity registration date: November 30, 2007

3. Voting mode of the meeting: the combination of on-site voting and online voting

4. Place of on-site meeting: meeting room on the third floor of the company

5. The on-site meeting will be held from 1:00 p.m. on December 6, 2007 (Thursday)

The online voting time is from December 5 to December 6, 2007. The specific time for online voting through the trading system of Shenzhen Stock Exchange is 9:30-11:30 a.m. and 1:00-3:00 p.m. on December 6, 2007; The specific time for online voting through the Internet voting system of Shenzhen Stock Exchange is from 3:00 p.m. on December 5, 2007 to 3:00 p.m. on December 6, 2007.

6. Proposals considered at the meeting: Proposal on Using Idle Raised Funds to Temporarily Replenish Working Capital, etc.

  (002070) Zhonghe Shares : Signed the agreement on the acquisition of 60% equity of Xiamen Hualun Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd

On November 30, 2007, Xiamen Laierfu Trade Co., Ltd. signed an equity transfer agreement with Zhonghe Shares and Fujian Zhonghe Marketing Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of Zhonghe Shares. The company transferred 58% of the equity of Xiamen Hualun Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. held by Laierfu, and Zhonghe Marketing transferred 2% of the equity of Xiamen Huayin held by Laierfu.

The equity transfer price is based on the net asset value of Xiamen Huayin audited by Chinese CPA on the audit base date (November 30, 2007), and is determined by the audited net asset and the original bidding transaction price plus the bank's current loan interest from the bidding transaction date to the equity transfer date (November 30, 2007), whichever is higher.

The parties to the agreement will complete the audit and evaluation work of Xiamen Huayin as soon as possible, and complete the relevant industrial and commercial change registration procedures as soon as possible.

(002131) LEO Shares: Tips for convening the 6th Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2007 on December 6

1. Time of on-site meeting: 9:30 am, December 6, 2007 (Thursday)

Online voting time: December 5, 2007 to December 6, 2007

The specific time for online voting through the trading system of Shenzhen Stock Exchange is: 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 13:00 p.m. to 15:00 p.m. on December 6, 2007; The specific time for voting through the Internet voting system of Shenzhen Stock Exchange is anytime from 15:00 on December 5, 2007 to 15:00 on December 6, 2007.

2. Place of on-site meeting: meeting room of the company

3. Convener: Board of Directors

4. The meeting was held in a way that combines on-site voting and online voting.

5. Equity registration date: November 30, 2007

6. Meeting topics: Proposal on Continuing to Use Part of Idle Raised Funds to Supplement the Company's Working Capital, etc.

(002131) LEO Shares: change of the company's office address

The headquarters of Leo Co., Ltd. recently moved to another office, and the specific address and contact information were changed as follows:

Address: Central Avenue, Industrial City, Wenling, Zhejiang

Zip code: 317500

Tel: 0576-89986666, 86511111, 89988888

Fax: 0576-86516511

(002197) Zengtong Electronics: announcement on offline placement and online pricing of 22 million shares of initial public offering

1. Subscription code: 002197

2. Subscription abbreviation: Zengtong Electronics

3. Issuing price: 11.28 yuan/share

4. Number of shares issued: 22 million shares

5. Online issuance: 17.6 million shares, accounting for 80% of the total issuance.

6. Number of offline allotments: 4.4 million shares, accounting for 20% of the total issuance.

7. Online subscription time: 9:30~11:30, 13:00~15:00, December 4, 2007

8. Offline placement time: 9:00~17:00 on December 3, 2007 and 9:00~15:00 on December 4, 2007

(002201) Jiuding New Material: Letter of Intent for IPO

1. Stock type: RMB ordinary shares (A shares)

2. Number of shares issued: 20 million shares, accounting for 25% of the total share capital after the issue.

3. Net assets per share before issuance: 2.51 yuan (data on June 30, 2007).

4. Issuance mode: combination of offline placement and online pricing issuance.

5. Offline placement date: 9:00~17:00 on December 10, 2007 and 9:00~15:00 on December 11, 2007

6. Online release date: 9:30~11:30, 13:00~15:00, December 11, 2007

(600017) Rizhao Port: Announcement of the winning lot result of online fund subscription lottery for convertible bonds of separate transactions

   Rizhao Port The winning lot drawing result of online issuance of convertible corporate bonds (hereinafter referred to as convertible bonds of separate transactions) of stock options and bonds of joint stock limited companies was generated on November 30, 2007, and the winning lot number was:

Last three digits: 174674516716916316116;

Last five digits: 3810258102781029810218102;

Last six digits: 008221247015747015;

Last "seven" digits: 29151214915121691512189151515121;

Last eight digits: 2857185216449425

Any investor whose subscription allotment number is the same as the above number can subscribe for one hand (10 pieces, 1000 yuan) of convertible bonds of company separation transaction.

(600052) * ST Guangsha: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, Zhejiang Guangsha Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholder and substantial controller have confirmed that there is no major information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, debt restructuring, business restructuring and other major issues, except for the information that has been publicly disclosed. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

  (600074) Zhongda Shares : Announcement

The stock of Jiangsu Zhongda New Material Group Co., Ltd. has been suspended for more than two months since September 11, 2007. At present, the company is actively promoting debt restructuring. The company will issue a notice of resumption of trading before December 14, 2007 to determine the date of resumption of trading. At that time, if the restructuring of the company is not over, the company will continue to carry out debt restructuring after the resumption of trading of shares. As the debt restructuring of the company is still uncertain, please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600076) ST Huaguang: risk warning announcement

By written letter, Weifang Beida Qingniao Huaguang Technology Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholder and substantial controller have confirmed that there is no sensitive information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed that has a significant impact on the stock price, including but not limited to equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring Other major asset restructuring events such as asset divestiture or asset injection.

The information disclosure media designated by the company are China Securities News, Shanghai Securities News and the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse. com. cn). Please pay attention to investment risks.

(600080) * ST Jinhua: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, in addition to the disclosed matters of Jinhua Enterprise (Group) Co., Ltd., the company, its controlling shareholders and actual controllers have confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring Major events such as asset divestiture or asset injection. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600083) * ST Boxin: risk warning announcement

By written letter, Guangdong Boxin Investment Holding Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholder and substantial controller have confirmed that there is no sensitive information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed that has a significant impact on stock price, including but not limited to equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring Other major asset restructuring events such as asset divestiture or asset injection. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600084) * ST Xintian: progress announcement of major events

Due to major events, Xintian International The shares of Grape Wine Industry Co., Ltd. have been suspended since August 30, 2007. The relevant progress is announced as follows:

The specific plans of the strategic investors and related major issues to be introduced by the company are being demonstrated, which have not been clarified and are uncertain, and the company's shares will continue to be suspended. After relevant matters are determined, the company will timely announce and resume trading.

The company has no other information that should be disclosed but not disclosed. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600094, 900940) * ST Huayuan: Announcement

Shanghai Huayuan Shares The Company is planning debt restructuring and major asset restructuring, and will conduct policy consultation and scheme demonstration to relevant departments, the restructuring party and the creditor bank committee of Huayuan Group within five working days after the publication of this announcement. Therefore, there is still uncertainty about relevant matters. Upon the application of the Company, the trading of shares of the Company was suspended as of December 3, 2007.

The company promises that if it fails to consult and demonstrate with relevant departments on relevant major issues within 5 working days (including the day of suspension) from the date of suspension of the company's shares, or if the demonstration of relevant preliminary restructuring plan is not passed, the company will announce and resume trading. If the relevant major issues are preliminarily proved to be feasible, the company's shares will continue to be suspended.

(600101) * ST star: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, Sichuan Star Power Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholder and substantial controller have confirmed that there is no sensitive information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring Major events such as asset divestiture or asset injection. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

  (600104) SAIC Motor : Announcement

The Issuance Review Committee of China Securities Regulatory Commission will review the issue of convertible bonds for separate transactions by SAIC Motor Corporation Limited in 2007 on December 3, 2007. According to relevant regulations, the trading of shares of the Company was suspended on December 3, 2007, and resumed after the Company announced the audit results.

  (600122) Hongtu High tech : Resolution of the Board of Directors and announcement of convening an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders

Jiangsu Hongtu High tech Co., Ltd. held the fourth meeting of the fourth board of directors on November 30, 2007, and the following resolutions were passed at the meeting:

1、 The proposal of the Board of Directors on the explanation of the use of the funds raised in the previous time was passed.

2、 Through the proposal of the company's plan for non-public issuance of A-shares to no more than ten specific investors: the scale of this non-public issuance of shares is 80 million to 125 million shares, which will be issued in two times: for the first time, the company's controlling shareholder, Sanxia Group Co., Ltd., holds Hongtu Sanxia Hi tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Hongtu Sanxia) The shares of Beijing Hongtu Sanyuan Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Hongtu Sanyuan Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. were subscribed at price; Nanjing Shengya Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Suhao International Group Co., Ltd. and Yinweili Industry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. respectively subscribed at the price of their shares in Hongtu Sanqi, with the issue price of 16.21 yuan per share; For the second issue, specific investors will subscribe in cash, and the issue price will not be less than 16.21 yuan/share.

3、 The proposal on the investment direction of funds raised through this non-public offering of shares was passed.

4、 The proposal on the related party transactions involved in the company's non-public offering of shares was passed.

5、 Through the proposal to change the implementation subject of the project of Nanjing Hongtian Broadband Video Co., Ltd. (planned investment of 45 million yuan) jointly established by the company, 15 million yuan has been invested in the first phase, and the remaining 30 million yuan is proposed to be changed to be implemented by the company itself.

6、 The proposal to change the remaining fund of 21.8 million yuan for the technical transformation project of synchronous optical fiber transmission equipment series products to supplement working capital.

7、 The statement that the proposal related to non-public offering of shares will not be submitted to the general meeting of shareholders for deliberation is passed.

The Board of Directors decided to convene the fourth extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2007 on the morning of December 18, 2007 to review the fifth and sixth proposals and other matters mentioned above.

(600135) S Lucky: clarification announcement

On November 29, 2007, Yangcheng Evening News and other newspapers published a report with the signature of Jiang Zheng and the title of "Lekai was sued in the United States for violating Kodak's patent on color photo paper", saying that "because Kodak determined that both Lekai's two types of photo paper infringed Kodak's patent, the American Royal Marketing Company may not only not intend to distribute photo paper for Lekai in the United States, but also take it to court"; "In March 2006, RoyalMarketing signed an exclusive distribution agreement with China Lekai Film Co., Ltd." and other descriptions, which were reprinted by and Golden Sheep. Hereby, Lekai Film Co., Ltd. solemnly declares as follows:

The company has never signed the so-called "distribution agreement" mentioned in the report with anyone in the United States, nor has it ever sold products that infringe Kodak's patents in the United States; The company has not had the "litigation event" described in the report; After consulting with the company's controlling shareholder, China Lekai Film Group Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Lekai Group), we learned that there was a dispute over the sales agreement between Lekai Group and its dealer in the United States, RoyalMarketing, but there was no so-called problem that Lekai Group's export products infringed Kodak's patents.

The information released by the Company shall be subject to the announcement published on the selected information disclosure media China Securities Journal and the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse. com. cn).

(600135) S Lucky: Announcement of Risk Alert on the Progress of Share trading Reform

At present, the number of shares held by non tradable shareholders of Lekai Film Co., Ltd. who proposed the share trading reform has reached the limit of two-thirds of the relevant provisions. Although Kodak signed an equity transfer agreement with Guangzhou Chengxin Venture Capital Co., Ltd., it still needs to report to the relevant departments for approval and perform the relevant legal procedures. At present, it does not have the conditions to start the share trading reform process; The company has signed a recommendation contract with the recommendation agency for the share trading reform.

The company could not disclose the share trading reform plan in the past week, so investors should pay attention to investment risks.

(600137) ST Langsha: risk warning announcement

After consultation and reply, Sichuan Langsha Holding Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholder Zhejiang Langsha Holding Co., Ltd. and substantial controller have confirmed that there is no sensitive information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer Other major asset restructuring events, such as non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset divestiture or asset injection. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600138) CYTS: board resolution announcement

   CYTS Holding Co., Ltd. held the fourth interim meeting of the Board of Directors by means of communication on November 30, 2007. The meeting considered and agreed that the company is the holding subsidiary, Beijing CYTS Chuangge Technology Co., Ltd. (the company holds 80% of its equity, hereinafter referred to as Chuangge Technology) Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Beijing Anwai Sub branch (hereinafter referred to as Anwai Sub branch) applies for 100 million yuan bank acceptance bill line to provide guarantee, and the company signs relevant guarantee agreement with Anwai Sub branch.

Including this guarantee, the company has provided a total of 250 million yuan of guarantee to external parties, and there is no overdue guarantee.

(600139) * ST Mianyang High tech Co., Ltd.: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, Mianyang High tech development (Group) Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholders and substantial controllers confirmed that there is no sensitive information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed that has a significant impact on stock prices, including but not limited to other major asset restructuring matters involving the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

  (600146) Dayuan Shares : Progress announcement of major events

Recently, upon inquiry, the controlling shareholder of Ningxia Dayuan Chemical Co., Ltd. said that according to the relevant regulations, it communicated with the relevant departments about the plan for major issues. The information required for the plan is being improved, and there is still great uncertainty. The company's shares will continue to be suspended from the date of this announcement, Resumption of trading and disclosure of relevant results until relevant matters are determined.

(600155) * ST Bosch: risk warning announcement

Hebei Bosch After written confirmation to the bankruptcy administrator of the Company and its controlling shareholder, Hebei Baoshuo Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Baoshuo Group), the Company made the following announcement:

Up to now, the company's equity held by Bosch Group has not been disposed; The time of the second creditors' meeting of the company has not been determined, the debt negotiations between the company and all creditors and the restructuring of the company have not made any progress, and the company is at risk of bankruptcy liquidation.

So far and within the foreseeable two weeks, the Company and its controlling shareholders have confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the Company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major issues.

After the company entered bankruptcy proceedings, it had a significant impact on the company's production and operation, and some branches and subsidiaries were in a state of shutdown. The company has lost money for two consecutive years in 2005 and 2006. If the company still cannot turn loss into profit in 2007, it will face the risk of suspending listing.

The relevant information of the company shall be subject to the announcements published by the designated information disclosure media Shanghai Securities News, China Securities News and the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse. com. cn). Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600157) S Lurun: Announcement on the Progress of Share trading Reform

Major shareholder of Tai'an Lurun Co., Ltd SINOPEC (China Petrochemical Corporation Shandong Taishan Petroleum The Joint Stock Co., Ltd., Tai'an Luhao Trading Company and the potential shareholder Jiangsu Yongtai Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. have submitted an application to the CSRC for exemption from tender offer for equity transfer, which is still under approval.

The Company will implement the share trading reform plan after the completion of the above equity transfer.

(600173) ST Wolong: risk advisory announcement

Zhejiang Wolong Real Estate Co., Ltd. is currently preparing for the non-public offering of shares, and will hold the fifth extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2007 on December 7, 2007 to review relevant matters. Upon inquiry, the controlling shareholder of the Company was renamed as "Zhejiang Wolong Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd." (formerly Zhejiang Wolong Real Estate Group Co., Ltd.) on November 23, 2007.

In addition to the above, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, the Company and its controlling shareholders have confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to major matters involving the Company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

  (600180) Shandong Jiufa Edible Fungus Co. : Announcement

Shandong Jiufa Edible Fungi Co., Ltd. was temporarily suspended from trading since November 16, 2007 due to the equity transfer and restructuring. At present, the above matters are still in the stage of demonstration and communication, and there are still major uncertainties. The relevant parties are discussing, and the above matters will be announced before December 10, 2007 after performing the relevant procedures, when the company's shares will resume trading at the same time. During this period, the company's shares continued to be suspended.

(600182) Sjiatong: Announcement of Risk Alert on the Progress of Share trading Reform

At present, the number of shares held by non tradable shareholders who proposed the reform of non tradable shares by Jiatong Tire Co., Ltd. has not reached the limit of two-thirds of the relevant provisions; The company has not signed a recommendation contract with the recommendation institution for the share trading reform.

The company could not disclose the share trading reform plan in the past week, so investors should pay attention to investment risks.

(600203) Furi Electronics: Announcement on Progress of Major Events

Due to the abnormal fluctuation of the stock price, the trading of Fujian Furi Electronics Co., Ltd. was suspended from May 21, 2007. On June 6, 2007, the company announced that after inquiring about the relevant related units, it was learned that the company's joint-stock companies were demonstrating major issues. Because of the uncertainty of the program of the issue, the company's shares would continue to be suspended until the disclosure of related issues. As of the date of this announcement, there is no new situation to be disclosed.

(600207) * ST Ancai: risk warning announcement

By written letter, Henan Ancai High tech Henan Construction Investment Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Henan Construction"), the largest shareholder of the joint-stock company, is preparing to merge Henan Economic and Technological Development Corporation, the second largest shareholder of the company, to establish Henan Investment Group Co., Ltd. The formalities for industrial and commercial registration changes are being handled and are expected to be completed in the near future.

In addition to the above matters, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, the company and Henan Construction confirmed that there is no other major information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, business restructuring and other major matters. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600209) ST Lawton: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, Lawton Development Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholders and substantial controllers have confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major issues. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600213) ST Yaxing: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, Yangzhou Yaxing Bus Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholder and substantial controller have confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major issues. Please pay attention to investment risks.

(600213) ST Yaxing: Announcement of name change of controlling shareholder

Yangzhou Yaxing Bus Co., Ltd. recently received a notice from the controlling shareholder Jiangsu Yaxing Bus Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yaxing Bus") that the name of Yaxing Bus has been changed to Jiangsu Yaxing Automobile Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yaxing Group") with a registered capital of 400 million yuan after being approved by Yangzhou Administration for Industry and Commerce in Jiangsu Province, The company type is limited liability company (wholly state-owned).

(600217) * ST Qinling Mountains: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, except that the equity transfer is being handled and the asset restructuring plan is being discussed, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, Shaanxi Qinling Cement The (Group) Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholders and substantial controllers confirmed that there was no other major information that should be disclosed but was not disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, business restructuring, debt restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major events. Please pay attention to investment risks.

(600223) * ST Wanjie: Risk Tips and Announcement on the Progress of Restructuring Matters

By written letter, Shandong Wanjie High tech Wanjie Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Wanjie Group), the largest shareholder of Wanjie Technology Co., Ltd., has suspended trading of the company's shares in accordance with relevant regulations due to the planning of equity transfer, debt restructuring, asset restructuring and private placement of the company. After many consultations with creditors, an implementation plan has been basically formed with the restructuring party. Up to now, this plan is awaiting the approval of creditors, and there are major uncertainties, so the company's shares will continue to be suspended. After relevant matters are determined, the company will timely announce and resume trading.

So far and within the foreseeable two weeks, the company and Wanjie Group have confirmed that there is no other major information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major issues.

Please pay attention to investment risks.

  (600225) S * ST Tianxiang : Announcement of Risk Reminders for the Progress of Share trading Reform

As of November 30, 2007, the number of shares held by non tradable shareholders of Huatong Tianxiang Group Co., Ltd. who proposed the share trading reform has not reached the limit of two-thirds of the relevant provisions; The company has not signed a recommendation contract with the recommendation institution for the share trading reform.

The company could not disclose the share trading reform plan in the past week, so investors should pay attention to investment risks.

(600234) ST Tianlong: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, Taiyuan Tianlong Group Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholder and substantial controller have confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring Other major asset restructuring events such as asset divestiture or asset injection. Please pay attention to investment risks.

  (600237) Copperpeak electron : Listing and circulation announcement of tradable shares with limited sales conditions

The 3648720 tradable shares of Anhui Tongfeng Electronics Co., Ltd. under the conditions of this limited sale will be listed and circulated from December 7, 2007.

  (600242) S * ST Hualong : Risk warning announcement

At present, the number of shares held by non tradable shareholders of Guangdong Hualong Group Co., Ltd. who proposed the share trading reform has not reached the limit of two-thirds of the relevant provisions; The company has signed a recommendation contract with Zhongyuan Securities Co., Ltd. for the share trading reform. The company could not disclose the share trading reform plan in the past week.

The Company, its controlling shareholders and actual controllers have confirmed that there is no sensitive information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to other major asset restructuring matters involving the Company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection.

Please pay attention to investment risks.

  (600247) Wuhua Shares : Announcement on reduction of shares held by shareholders

Jilin Wuhua Group Co., Ltd. received a letter from Shenzhen Zhongji Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhongji Industry"), the largest shareholder, on November 30, 2007. On November 29, 2007, Zhongji Industry sold 8757914 shares of the company through the Shanghai Stock Exchange, accounting for 2.6% of the company's total share capital. As of November 29, 2007, 14628874 shares had been sold accumulatively, accounting for 4.35% of the company's total share capital. After the sale, Zhongji Industry held 46065337 shares of the company (including 27050051 restricted tradable shares and 19015286 non restricted tradable shares), accounting for 13.69% of the total share capital.

  (600259) S * ST polyester : Risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, so far and within the foreseeable week, Hainan Industrial Polyester Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholder and substantial controller have confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major issues. Please pay attention to investment risks.

  (600284) Pudong Construction : Announcement of Award of Major Projects

Pudong, Shanghai Road and bridge construction The Company has recently won the bid for the third and twentieth bid of the new Pudong International Airport North Passage (Shenjiang Road - Main Access Road). Among them, the winning price of the third bid is 349.2815 million yuan, with a total length of 592 meters and a construction period of 795 days; The winning price of the 20th bid is 275.2001 million yuan, with a total length of 1203 meters and a construction period of 765 days. The planned commencement date of the above projects is October 28, 2007.

(600313) S ST Zhongnong: Announcement on Clarification of Share trading Reform Scheme

On November 30, 2007, Zhongken Agricultural Resources Development Co., Ltd. found that a media published a report that "SST Zhongnong 10 was approved to increase 5.5 shares", which was inconsistent with the company's proposed adjusted consideration of 6.5 shares per 10 shares. On November 30, 2007, the Shanghai Securities News published the announcement that the company's share trading reform plan had been approved by the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. The media report was inconsistent with the announcement disclosed by the company, so investors should follow the announcement issued by the company.

  (600331) HTC : Progress announcement of major events

At present, Sichuan Hongda Co., Ltd. has suspended trading in accordance with relevant regulations due to the planning of non-public issuance of subscribed assets. Now, the relevant issues are under discussion and there are major uncertainties, so the company's shares will continue to be suspended. The Company will make an announcement in time after the relevant matters are determined.

  (600367) Red Star Development : Announcement of resolutions of the Board of Directors

Guizhou Red Star Development Co., Ltd. held the 13th meeting of the third session of the Board of Directors by means of communication on November 30, 2007, and the following resolutions were passed at the meeting:

1、 Through the rectification report of special corporate governance activities, see the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse. com. cn) on December 3, 2007 for details.

2、 It is agreed that the company will apply for a project fund loan of 200 million yuan to the bank to provide a loan guarantee of 100 million yuan for the subsidiary Guizhou Rongguang Mining Co., Ltd. (the company holds 50% of its equity) in proportion to its capital contribution. The guarantee agreement has not yet been signed.

As of the disclosure date of this announcement, the company has no external guarantee or overdue external guarantee.

(600369) ST Changyun: Announcement of abnormal fluctuations in stock trading

The stock price of Chongqing Changjiang Water Transport Co., Ltd. hit the limit of increase for three consecutive trading days from November 28 to 30, 2007, which is an abnormal fluctuation of stock trading.

The Board of Directors of the Company confirmed that, except for the disclosure matters involved in the Company's absorption and merger of relevant information of Southwest Securities, the Company has not disclosed any matters that should be disclosed according to relevant regulations or plans, negotiations, intentions Agreements, etc. and information that has a greater impact on the trading prices of the company's shares and their derivatives.

The information released by the Company shall be subject to the information published by the designated information disclosure media China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News and the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse. com. cn). Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600369) ST Changyun: the first suggestive announcement of the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2007

The board of directors of Chongqing Changjiang Water Transport Co., Ltd. decided to hold the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2007 at 8:30 on December 12, 2007 in the conference room of Taiji Hotel, Fuling District, Chongqing. The meeting adopted the voting method of combining on-site voting, entrusted board voting and online voting, The shareholders of tradable shares without restrictions on sales can exercise their voting rights through the trading system of Shanghai Stock Exchange. The online voting time is 9:30-11:30 and 13:00-15:00 on the same day to review the proposal on the sale of the company's major assets and other matters.

The voting code of shareholders in this online voting is "738369"; The voting is referred to as "Long term Campaign Voting" for short.

The proposal for the solicitation of voting rights by the Board of Directors is as follows: the objects of the solicitation of voting rights are all shareholders of tradable shares without restrictions registered in the Shanghai Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited as of the end of the afternoon of December 4, 2007; The solicitation time is from December 5 to 11, 2007 (9:00-17:00 every day); The right to vote in this solicitation is voluntarily collected by the Board of Directors free of charge. The solicitors will publish a public announcement on the designated newspapers and websites for the solicitation of voting rights.

(600381) * ST Xiancheng: risk warning announcement

By written letter, Qinghai Xiancheng Industry The Company made the following announcement: The Debt Settlement Agreement reached between the Company and its controlling shareholders, Xining Guoxin Investment Holding Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guoxin Investment"), Xiancheng Group Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Sanxing Textile Industry Co., Ltd. and China Everbright Bank Shenzhen Lianhua Road Sub branch on November 19, 2007 has come into force and is being successfully implemented. The Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court has lifted the judicial freezing and judicial waiting freezing procedures of 178708000 shares of the company held by Guoxin Investment on November 30, 2007, and the relevant procedures have been completed in China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited Shanghai Branch. The pledge cancellation procedures of Guoxin Investment for pledging the above equity to Shenzhen Lianhua Road Sub branch of China Everbright Bank and the relevant direct guarantee liability cancellation procedures of the company are also being handled.

In addition to the above matters, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, the Company, its controlling shareholders and actual controllers have confirmed that there is no major information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the Company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major matters. Please pay attention to investment risks.

(600385) * ST Jintai: Announcement

At present, Shandong Jintai Group Co., Ltd. has not completed the audit and evaluation work related to the proposed acquisition of assets through the targeted issuance of shares. After the completion of the audit and evaluation work, the company will immediately convene the relevant board of directors and issue the notice of the general meeting of shareholders, and at the same time apply to the Shanghai Stock Exchange for the resumption of trading of shares.

(600386) * ST Beiba: risk warning announcement

By written letter, Beijing Bus At present, the Company's assets reorganization and other related matters are actively under way. In addition to related restructuring and other matters, the Company and its controlling shareholders have confirmed that there is no major information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the Company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major matters so far and within the foreseeable two weeks.

Please pay attention to investment risks.

  (600401) Jiangsu Shenlong : Announcement

Jiangsu Shenlong High tech Group Co., Ltd. has reached a preliminary intention of syndicated debt restructuring with relevant creditor banks, and the intention plan is still under declaration, so there is still uncertainty in the debt restructuring of the company before the creditor banks complete the final approval. The shares of the Company will resume trading no later than December 14.

  (600409) Sanyou Chemical : Listing announcement of tradable shares subject to restrictions on sales

27.3 million shares of Tangshan Sanyou Chemical Co., Ltd. will be listed and circulated from December 7, 2007.

(600419) ST Tianhong: risk warning announcement

After consultation, the controlling shareholders and actual controllers of Xinjiang Tianhong Paper Industry Co., Ltd. have confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major issues. Please pay attention to investment risks.

  (600421) Sinopharm Technology : Progress announcement of major asset restructuring

According to the Letter of Intent for Asset Restructuring signed by Wuhan Sinopharm Technology Co., Ltd. and its controlling shareholder Wuhan New Generation Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Wuhan Science and Technology), Hubei Daily Media Group (hereinafter referred to as Media Group), Hubei Science and Technology Investment Co., Ltd. and other parties on the restructuring of the company, relevant intermediaries are conducting due diligence on the company and media groups, At the same time, Wuhan Technology and Media Group is communicating with relevant departments on restructuring.

(600429) ST ternary: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, the production and operation of Beijing Sanyuan Food Co., Ltd. is normal at present. So far and within the foreseeable two weeks, the company, its controlling shareholders and actual controllers have confirmed that there is no sensitive information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed that has a significant impact on stock prices, including but not limited to equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring Other major asset restructuring events such as asset divestiture or asset injection. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

  (600435) Northern Skybird : Progress announcement of major events

Beijing North Skybird Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is currently communicating with relevant units or departments on major uncertainties, which is still under demonstration. The trading of the Company's shares will continue to be suspended until the relevant matters are clear and then resumed and disclosed.

(600439) Rebecca: indicative announcement on listing of tradable shares subject to restrictions on sales

Henan rebecca The sales restriction period of 35.25 million RMB ordinary shares (increased to 44062500 shares after the implementation of the plan of converting public reserve fund into share capital in 2006) privately issued by hair products Co., Ltd. on December 6, 2006 has expired. According to relevant regulations, they will be listed and circulated from December 6, 2007.

  (600461) Hongcheng Water Industry : Announcement of abnormal fluctuation and risk warning of stock trading

The deviation of the closing price of Jiangxi Hongcheng Water Industry Co., Ltd. for three consecutive trading days from November 28 to 30, 2007 exceeded 20%, which is an abnormal fluctuation of stock trading.

According to the written inquiry, the controlling shareholders and actual controllers of the Company have not conducted equity transfer, asset restructuring and other major issues affecting the share price of the Company up to now and in the next three months, and there is no major information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed.

At present, the production and operation of the company are normal, and the internal and external business environment has not changed significantly.

The Board of Directors of the Company confirmed that the Company has no matters that should be disclosed but have not been disclosed according to relevant regulations, or the planning, negotiation, intention, agreement, etc. related to such matters, as well as the information that has a significant impact on the transaction price of the Company's shares and their derivatives.

All information of the Company shall be subject to the official announcement published on the designated information disclosure media Shanghai Securities News and the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse. com. cn). Please pay attention to investment risks.

(600462) * ST Shi Xian: risk warning announcement

After written confirmation, in addition to the disclosed announcement of major events, the Company, its controlling shareholders and actual controllers have confirmed that there is no major information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring Major events such as asset divestiture or asset injection.

At present, the cancellation of 335 million yuan of loan principal and corresponding interest is in progress. If the debt restructuring can be completed within the current year, the gains from the debt restructuring shall be included in the current profits and losses. The Company will timely disclose the progress of loan cancellation.

Please pay attention to investment risks.

(600466) * ST Dikang: Announcement

After written confirmation from the major shareholder Sichuan Dikang Industry Holding Group Co., Ltd. and the restructuring party Sichuan Blu ray Industrial Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Blu ray Group"), Sichuan Dikang Technology Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. learned that up to now, Blu ray Group is still in continuous communication with relevant departments on the company's acquisition and restructuring plan. The company's shares will continue to be suspended.

  (600468) Baili Electric : Progress announcement of major events

Since the actual controller of Tianjin Brilliant Fine Electric Co., Ltd., Tianjin Mechanical and Electrical Industry Holding Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Holding Group") is discussing major issues affecting the company, the company's shares have been suspended since noon on September 20, 2007.

A few days ago, the holding group proposed to ask the board of directors to discuss the issue of shares to specific objects and the purchase of some assets of the holding group. At present, the audit and evaluation of the assets that may be involved has basically ended. The holding group is demonstrating the preliminary plan, but there is still uncertainty, and the company's shares will continue to be suspended.

  (580011、600500) Sinochem International : Sinochem CWB1 Special Notice on Exercise of Warrants

In view of the imminent expiration of the "Sinochem CWB1" (transaction code: "580011") warrants, we hereby remind investors to pay close attention to the relevant issues and investment risks related to the exercise of the "Sinochem CWB1" warrants.

The duration of the "Sinochem CWB1" warrant is from December 18, 2006 to December 17, 2007, totaling 365 days; The last trading day is December 10, 2007, and trading will be stopped from December 11, 2007; The exercise period is 5 trading days from December 11 to 17, 2007. The exercise price of the "Sinochem CWB1" warrant after dividend and ex dividend adjustment is 6.52 yuan/share, and the exercise ratio is 1:1. Each investor holding a "Sinochem CWB1" warrant has the right to subscribe for a share of Sinochem International (Holdings) Co., Ltd. at a price of 6.52 yuan per share during the exercise period. The shares obtained through successful exercise can be listed and traded on the next trading day. On the termination date of the exercise of the "Sinochem CWB1" warrants, the warrants that have not yet been exercised will be cancelled.

The exercise of the "Sinochem CWB1" warrant is referred to as "ES071217", and the exercise code is "582011".

Since there are only 6 trading days from the date of this announcement to the last trading day of the "Sinochem CWB1" warrant (December 10, 2007), investors are hereby invited to pay attention to investment risks.

(600515) ST First Investment: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, except for the disclosed major matters, the Company, its controlling shareholders and actual controllers have confirmed that there is no major information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to equity transfer, non-public offering, business restructuring Major events such as asset divestiture or asset injection.

With regard to debt restructuring, the Company is still in the process of negotiation with relevant creditors and debtors, and it is unpredictable whether an agreement can be reached within two weeks; With regard to the non-public offering of shares, the company's plan to issue shares to Tianjin Datong Construction Development Group Co., Ltd., a major shareholder, to purchase assets has yet to be approved by the CSRC, and its timing and results are still uncertain.

Please pay attention to investment risks.

(600516) ST Fangda: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, in addition to the disclosed major issues concerning the proposed non-public offering of shares, Fangda Carbon New Material Technology Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholder Liaoning Fangda Group Industrial Co., Ltd. and the substantial controller have confirmed that there is no sensitive information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, Including but not limited to other major asset restructuring matters involving the company's equity transfer, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping, etc. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600552) * ST Fangxing: risk warning announcement

By written letter, Anhui Fangxing Technology In addition to the already announced Indicative Announcement on the Change of the Company's Actual Controller, the company, its controlling shareholders and substantial controllers have confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring Major events such as asset divestiture or asset injection. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600556) ST Beisheng: Announcement of Asset Restructuring Progress

At present, Guangxi Beisheng Pharmaceutical The Company has hired financial consultants, accounting firms, appraiser firms, law firms and other intermediaries to enter the site to carry out work, and various procedures for the proposed injection of assets involved in the Company's asset restructuring are still being handled. The company's shares continued to be suspended.

  (600562) Gaochun Ceramics : Resolution of the Board of Directors and Supervisors and Announcement of Convening Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Jiangsu Gaochun Ceramics Co., Ltd. held the third meeting of the fifth board of directors and the second meeting of the fifth board of supervisors on November 29, 2007. The meeting reviewed and passed the following resolutions:

1、 Kong Deshuang was elected chairman of the company.

2、 Gu Changjun was appointed as the general manager of the company and Wang Guifu as the secretary of the board of directors.

3、 The proposal of appointing the company's deputy general manager and financial director was passed.

4、 Adoption of amendments to the Articles of Association.

5、 Yang Fangze was elected as the chairman of the 5th Board of Supervisors of the Company.

The Board of Directors decided to convene the 2007 Second Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on the morning of December 20, 2007 to review the fourth proposal and other matters mentioned above.

(600568) * ST Latent Drug: Risk Warning Announcement

It is confirmed by written letter that the relevant issues of asset replacement and asset purchase by issuing shares to specific objects of Hubei Qianjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. have been reviewed and approved by the 10th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of the Company, and the work is now being further improved and promoted. After the completion of audit, evaluation and other related work, the Board of Directors will be convened to review the specific scheme of this transaction and issue the notice of convening the general meeting of shareholders.

In addition to the above matters, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, the Company, its controlling shareholders and substantial controllers have confirmed that there is no major information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to other major matters involving equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600579) * ST Yellow Sea: Progress Announcement of Major Issues

At present, Qingdao Huanghai Rubber Co., Ltd. has been suspended from trading for six consecutive weeks in accordance with relevant regulations due to planning and fulfilling the commitment to share trading reform. It is confirmed by letter that CRRC Group, the actual controller of the company, is currently demonstrating and communicating with the relevant parties about the asset integration and capital injection plan. There is still a lot of uncertainty. The company's shares will continue to be suspended until the relevant plan is determined and announced.

(600589) Guangdong Rongtai: Announcement of Shareholders Selling Shares of the Company

Guangdong Rongtai Industrial Co., Ltd. received the notice from the shareholder Guangdong Rongtai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. on November 30, 2007. From September 28, 2007 to November 30, 2007, the company sold 15.8 million shares (4.44% of the total share capital of the company) of the company through the trading system of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. At present, the company no longer holds shares of the company.

(600599) * ST fireworks: risk warning announcement

By written letter, Hunan Liuyang Firecracker Co., Ltd. and its controlling shareholders have confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection, etc. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600603) ST Industrial: risk warning announcement

After inquiry, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, Shanghai Industrial Real Estate Co., Ltd. and its major shareholders have confirmed that there is no major information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major issues. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600603) ST Industrial: Announcement of Claims Handling

Shanghai Xingye Real Estate Co., Ltd. submitted an arbitration application to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) Shanghai Branch on November 30, 2007, requesting Shanghai Textile Housing Development Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Textile Development Corporation") to pay the interest loss of the company's funds embezzled by it as the former major shareholder of the company, totaling 161514158.03 yuan; The arbitration application fee for this case shall be borne by the Company and Textile Development Co., Ltd. by 50% respectively.

(600608) * ST Huke: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, Shanghai Broadband Technology Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholder and actual controller have confirmed that there is no major information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major issues.

The relevant information of the company shall be subject to the announcement published by the designated information disclosure media Shanghai Securities News and the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse. com. cn). Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600609) ST Jinbei: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, Jinbei Automobile Co., Ltd. is currently working with China Industrial and Commercial Bank of China In addition to the business department of Liaoning Branch of PetroChina Company Limited discussing the debt restructuring of the company's 556.41 million yuan overdue loan, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, the company, its controlling shareholders and substantial controllers have confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring Major events such as asset divestiture or asset injection. Please pay attention to investment risks.

(600610, 900906) S * ST Zhongfang: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, except for the case of equity transfer dispute of China Textile Machinery Co., Ltd., the Civil Judgment of Shanghai Second Intermediate People's Court (2006) Hu Er Zhong Min San (Shang) Chu Zi No. 165, and the Civil Judgment of Nanjing Intermediate People's Court (2007) Ning Min Er Chu Zi No. 243, as well as the major issues disclosed by the company, So far and within the foreseeable one month, the Company and its largest shareholder and second largest shareholder have confirmed that there is no major information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the Company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major issues.

The company will continue to pay attention to the progress of the company's top three shareholders' equity transfer disputes.

(600610, 900906) S * ST Zhongfang: Announcement on Judgment of Equity Litigation Case and Related Guarantee Contract Dispute Case

China Textile Machinery Co., Ltd. received the notice from the first and second major shareholders that Nanjing Port Import and Export Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Port Company"), the controlling shareholder of the first major shareholder of the company, sued Jiangsu Nanda High tech Venture Capital Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Nanda Company"), the first major shareholder of the company, for the case of infringement of 29% of the shares held by the company, The Intermediate People's Court of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province (hereinafter referred to as "Nanjing Intermediate People's Court") made the following judgment on November 19, 2007:

1、 The defendant, Nanda Company, stopped infringing the plaintiff's port company.

2、 The agreement on equity transfer of the company signed between Nanda and Pacific Company on June 28, 2006 was rescinded.

3、 The defendant Nanda Corporation returned 7.78 million yuan to the third party Pacific Company within 10 days from the effective date of this judgment.

4、 Reject other claims of the plaintiff's port company.

The case acceptance fee of 171550 yuan is borne by the defendant Nanda Company.

On the morning of November 27, 2007, the company received the fax of the above-mentioned Civil Judgment from Nanda. On November 29, 2007, Pacific Electromechanical (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Pacific Company), the second largest shareholder of the company, received the above-mentioned Civil Judgment in the afternoon of November 28, 2007. Before that, it had never received the notice of judgment from the court. As the third person, it will appeal to the Jiangsu Higher People's Court against the judgment of first instance. Previously, the case of Pacific Company suing the first and third largest companies in Southeast China and Guangzhou Saiqingde Investment Development Co., Ltd. for breach of contract in the process of transferring their shares in the company has been decided by the Shanghai Second Intermediate People's Court. Since the defendants refused to accept the judgment of the first instance, they have submitted an appeal to the court. At present, the Shanghai Higher People's Court is in the process of normal acceptance.

The three major shareholders of the company have appealed against the different results of the company's equity transfer dispute case. In view of the uncertainty of the final results of the company's equity dispute status, the company's shares will continue to be suspended, and will apply for resumption of trading after the above company's equity dispute case has achieved new progress.

The company received the Civil Judgment of Nanjing Intermediate People's Court, and the plaintiff Guangdong Development Bank Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guangfa Bank") sued the defendant Nanjing Sweete Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Sweete Company") and the company's guarantee contract dispute. The Nanjing Intermediate People's Court heard and made the following judgment:

1、 Sweete Corporation shall repay the loan principal and interest of RMB 17407832.7 and interest advanced by Guangzhou Development Bank Nanjing Branch within ten days from the effective date of this judgment.

2、 The Company shall be liable for 10% of the debts that cannot be paid off in Item (I) above.

3、 Reject other claims of Guangzhou Development Bank Nanjing Branch.

The case acceptance fee of this case is 127327 yuan, of which 1080 yuan is borne by the plaintiff, Guangfa Bank Nanjing Branch, and 126247 yuan is borne by the defendant, Swett Company.

(600614, 900907) ST Dingli: Announcement of the resolution of the interim meeting of the Board of Directors

Shanghai Dingli Technology Development (Group) Co., Ltd. held the sixth interim meeting of the Board of Directors on November 30, 2007, at which it was approved that the Company and ICBC Shanghai Hongkou Sub branch (hereinafter referred to as Hongkou Sub branch) had signed the Repayment Interest Free Agreement. As of August 20, 2007, The total principal and interest of RMB loans owed by the Company to Hongkou Sub branch is 174.23 million yuan (including 138.09 million yuan of principal and 36.14 million yuan of interest); The deadline for the company to repay debts is December 25, 2008; Hongkou Sub branch agreed to reduce or remit all corresponding interests on the premise that the Company repaid the principal of the above debt.

(600614, 900907) ST Dingli: risk warning announcement

It is confirmed by written letter that apart from the disclosed major matters concerning debt restructuring with ICBC Shanghai Hongkou Sub branch, the Company and its controlling shareholder Dingli Construction Group Co., Ltd The actual controller confirmed that there is no other sensitive information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to other major asset restructuring matters involving the company's equity transfer, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection.

Please pay attention to investment risks.

(600629) * ST Prism: Cancellation of delisting risk warning notice

Shanghai Lingguang Industrial Co., Ltd. was informed on November 30, 2007 that the application to Shanghai Stock Exchange for canceling the delisting risk warning implemented by the company's stock trading had been approved. According to relevant regulations, the company's stock was suspended for one day on December 3, 2007. Since December 4, 2007, the delisting risk warning implemented by the company's stock trading has been revoked, and other special treatments have been implemented. The stock abbreviation has been changed from "* ST Prism" to "ST Prism", the stock code has not changed, and the daily price limit for stock trading is still 5%.

(600629) * ST prismatic light: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, both the controlling shareholder and the substantial controller of Shanghai Lingguang Industrial Co., Ltd. have confirmed that there is no major information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to major matters involving the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection. Please pay attention to investment risks.

(600643) S Aijian: Resolutions of the Board of Directors and Announcement of Convening the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and Shareholders' Meeting Related to the Non tradable Share Reform A-share Market

Shanghai Aijian Co., Ltd. held the 20th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors on November 30, 2007 in the form of on-site meeting and communication, and the meeting reviewed and passed the following resolutions:

1、 Agree to accept the entrustment of the mover of the Company's share trading reform and carry out the share trading reform.

2、 The proposal on share trading reform by converting capital reserve to share capital was passed: based on the existing share capital of the company, capital reserve was converted to share capital of all shareholders registered on the plan implementation date, with the conversion ratio of 10:2.5891; Among them, the initiator shares will receive 28089684 shares converted into additional shares. According to the proposal of the mover of the split share structure reform, the 28089684 shares converted into additional shares will be transferred to all shareholders of tradable shares registered on the equity registration date of the implementation of the scheme; In addition to the additional shares obtained by the holders of tradable shares themselves, it is equivalent to that the holders of tradable shares receive 3.5 additional shares for every 10 shares; The level of consideration paid is equivalent to giving 0.724 shares for every 10 shares to shareholders of circulating shares of the Company on the premise that the total share capital remains unchanged.

The Board of Directors decided to convene the 2007 Second Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and the relevant shareholders' meeting of the A-share market on the reform of non tradable shares at 14:00 on December 31, 2007. The meeting was conducted by on-site voting, entrusting the Board of Directors to collect votes and online voting. The shareholders of tradable shares can exercise their voting rights through the trading system of Shanghai Stock Exchange, The online voting time is 9:30-11:30 and 13:00-15:00 on the stock trading day of Shanghai Stock Exchange from December 27-31, 2007 to review the above matters.

The voting code of shareholders in this online voting is "738643"; The voting is called "Aijian Voting" for short.

The voting right solicitation plan of the Board of Directors is: the voting right solicitation object is all the shareholders of the company's tradable shares registered in China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited Shanghai Branch after the closing of 15:00 on December 19, 2007; The solicitation time is 8:30-11:00, 13:30-17:00 and 8:30-12:00 on December 31, 2007 on working days from December 20 to 30, 2007; This solicitation of voting rights is a free and voluntary solicitation of voting rights by the solicitors, and the solicitation of voting rights is carried out publicly through the publication of announcements on the newspapers and websites designated by the CSRC.

(600645) * ST Chunhua: Cancellation of stock delisting risk warning and implementation of other special treatment announcements

According to the standard unqualified audit report audited and issued by the audit institution, Shanghai Wangchunhua (Group) Co., Ltd. achieved a net profit of 7.9756 million yuan in 2006, which has turned losses into profits. However, the company's net profit after deducting non recurring gains and losses was -11.2007 million yuan. According to the relevant regulations, the company's application to Shanghai Stock Exchange for canceling the delisting risk warning of the company's shares and implementing other special treatment was approved recently. The company's shares were suspended for one day on December 3, 2007, and the delisting risk warning of the company's shares was cancelled and other special treatment was implemented from December 4, 2007. The stock abbreviation was changed to "ST Wangchunhua", and the stock code remained unchanged; The daily rise and fall limit of the company's stock is still 5%.

(600645) * ST Chunhua: risk advisory announcement

After written inquiry, Shanghai Wangchunhua (Group) Co., Ltd. has confirmed that there is no sensitive information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer Other major asset restructuring events, such as non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset divestiture or asset injection.

The information disclosure media designated by the Company are Shanghai Securities News and the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse. com. cn). Relevant announcements are subject to the Company's disclosure. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600648, 900912) Waigaoqiao: announcement on progress of important matters

Shanghai Waigaoqiao The trading of the Free Trade Zone Development Co., Ltd. has been suspended in accordance with the relevant regulations due to the planning of major asset restructuring, and the trading of the company's shares will continue to be suspended because the relevant procedures are in progress. After relevant matters are determined, the company will timely announce and resume trading.

(600657) ST overpass: progress announcement of major issues

At present, Beijing Tianqiao Beida Qingniao Technology Co., Ltd. has been suspended in accordance with relevant regulations due to the planning of non-public offering and major asset restructuring. Now, due to the ongoing relevant procedures, the company's shares will continue to be suspended. After relevant matters are determined, the company will timely announce and resume trading.

(600664) S Harbin Pharmaceutical: Announcement of Risk Alert on the Progress of the Share trading Reform

At present, Harbin Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., the only non tradable shareholder of Harbin Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., has not agreed to the split share structure reform of the company in writing. Due to the illegal shareholding of Southern Securities, all of its shares in the company do not have the right to vote, so only after its shares in the company are disposed of legally in the bankruptcy liquidation process of Southern Securities, The company can start the share trading reform; The company has not signed a recommendation contract with the recommendation institution for the share trading reform.

The company could not disclose the share trading reform plan in the past week, so investors should pay attention to investment risks.

(600671) ST Tianmu: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, Hangzhou Tianmu Mountain Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholder and substantial controller have confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major issues. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600681) S * ST Wanhong: risk warning announcement

At present, the shareholders of non tradable shares of Wanhong Group Co., Ltd. have not proposed a new share trading reform motion, and the company has no share trading reform plan for discussion; The company has not signed a recommendation contract with the recommendation institution for the share trading reform.

The company could not disclose the share trading reform plan in the past week.

According to the written letter, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, the Company, its controlling shareholders and substantial controllers have confirmed that there is no sensitive information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed that has a significant impact on stock prices, including but not limited to other major asset restructuring matters involving the Company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection.

Please pay attention to investment risks.

(600681) S * ST Wanhong: Announcement of Progress of Major Litigation Matters

Wanhong Group Co., Ltd. recently received the Civil Judgment No. 9 (2006) issued by the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Supreme Court), regarding Guangdong Development Bank Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch and Beijing Oriental Chengcheng Industrial Co., Ltd., the Company, Hainan Chengcheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Hainan Chengcheng Enterprise Group Co., Ltd Wuhan Xingwang Urban Comprehensive Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Xingwang Company") has appealed to the court for its objection to the civil judgment of Beijing High People's Court (2003) GMCZ No. 817. Now the Supreme Court has rejected the appeal and maintained the original status.

This judgment is expected to have an impact on the current profits of the company. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600688) SSPC: indicative announcement of share trading reform

According to the relevant regulations, the non tradable shareholders of Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co., Ltd. once again put forward the motion of share trading reform. As agreed with Shanghai Stock Exchange, the trading of A-shares of the Company will be suspended from the date of this announcement; The Company's A-share market related shareholders' meeting notice and information related to the share trading reform will be disclosed in the near future.

(600691) * ST East Carbon: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, although Dongxin Electric Carbon Co., Ltd. achieved non operating profit from January to September 2007, and is expected to turn losses into profits throughout the year, the company, especially its holding subsidiary, Zigong Dongxin Electric Carbon Co., Ltd., has a serious production and operation situation due to the serious shortage of working capital, heavy burden and other reasons, and the main business income and profit declined significantly year on year. The company's holding subsidiaries, Chengdu Zhongwei Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and Zigong Jinfeng Real Estate Co., Ltd., have not made significant progress in adjusting their product structure and industrial structure, and their business performance has declined to varying degrees.

So far and within the foreseeable two weeks, the Company, its controlling shareholders and actual controllers have confirmed that there is no sensitive information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed that has a significant impact on stock prices, including but not limited to other major asset restructuring matters involving the Company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600695, 900919) ST Dajiang: risk warning announcement

After inquiry, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, Shanghai Dajiang (Group) Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholder and substantial controller have confirmed that there is no sensitive information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed that has a significant impact on stock prices, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring Other major asset restructuring events such as asset divestiture or asset injection. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600698, 900946) S ST Qingqi: risk warning notice

By written letter, the controlling shareholder of Jinan Qingqi Motorcycle Co., Ltd., China National Weapon Equipment Group Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "the Group Company") agreed that the Company would provide real estate mortgage guarantee for its holding subsidiary, Jinan Qingqi Engine Co., Ltd., to apply for a comprehensive credit line of 50 million yuan to Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Jinan Branch; The Company's share trading reform plan was announced in September 2006, and the notice of convening the shareholders' meeting has not been issued yet; The State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Jinan Municipal People's Government and Huaxia Bank The negotiation of Jinan Branch on the pledge of 164.5 million national shares of the company is still in progress.

In addition to the major events disclosed by the company, the group company has confirmed that there is no sensitive information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to other major asset restructuring events involving the company's non-public offering, debt restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection, so far and within the expected two weeks.

Please pay attention to investment risks.

(600698, 900946) S ST Qingqi: Announcement on providing guarantee for holding subsidiaries

According to the resolution of the fifth interim meeting of the Board of Directors of Jingnan Qingqi Motorcycle Co., Ltd., the company signed a real estate maximum mortgage contract with Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Jinan Branch (hereinafter referred to as Jinan Branch) on November 14, 2007, Provide real estate mortgage guarantee for the holding subsidiary Jinan Qingqi Engine Co., Ltd. to apply for a comprehensive credit line of 50 million yuan from Jinan Branch (including 30 million yuan for short-term loans and 20 million yuan for bank acceptance bills), with a term of one year.

As of June 30, 2007, the balance of external guarantees of the Company was 35.62 million yuan, all of which were guarantees for subsidiaries, and there was no overdue guarantee.

(600699) * ST Deheng: risk warning announcement

By written letter, Liaoyuan Deheng In addition to the major issues disclosed by the joint stock limited company, the company, its controlling shareholders and substantial controllers have confirmed that there is no major information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major issues. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

  (600704) Zhongda Shares : Progress announcement of major events

Zhejiang Zhongda Group Co., Ltd. is preparing to issue shares to Zhejiang Property Group Co., Ltd., the largest shareholder, to purchase assets. The preliminary plan has been completed and is awaiting the approval of relevant departments. There is still uncertainty. The company's shares continued to be suspended.

  (600705) S * ST North Asia : Risk warning announcement

At present, the number of shares held by non tradable shareholders of Beiya Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. who proposed the share trading reform has not reached the limit of two-thirds of the relevant provisions; The company has signed a recommendation contract for non tradable shares reform with Ping An Securities Co., Ltd. The company could not disclose the share trading reform plan in the past week. Investors should pay attention to investment risks.

The company's 2006 annual report was issued by the accounting firm with an audit report that could not express opinions. The Company has announced some issues to be resolved on August 20, 2007 and November 19, 2007. Now, the third batch of issues to which Yuehua Certified Public Accountants could not express their opinions have been resolved are announced as follows:

1. Five other payables involve 2.47 million yuan. The accounting firm believes that the accounting basis is insufficient, and sufficient evidence has been found for accounting treatment;

2. Three other receivables involve an amount of 1.7 million yuan, and one bad debt provision involves an amount of 200000 yuan. The firm believes that there is no contract basis and relevant supporting documents, and has found contract evidence and external evidence, which can be used for accounting treatment;

3. Sichuan Beiya, a subsidiary of the Company, has total assets of 36.07 million yuan, net assets of 10.81 million yuan, and net profits of -5.38 million yuan. After checking and verification by the Company, sufficient evidence has been found for accounting treatment.

The above matters have not been confirmed by the accountant.

(600705) S * ST North Asia: Measures taken to restore listing and announcement of relevant work progress

After the listing of shares of Beiya Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. was suspended by the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the board of directors of the company has done a lot of work for the resumption of listing of shares, hoping to reduce and turn around losses through asset restructuring or debt restructuring, and improve the company's ability to continue operating and profitability. At present, relevant shareholders of the Company are making every effort to promote the restructuring of the Company.

The company has disclosed the report of the third quarter of 2007. If the company continues to lose money in 2007, according to relevant regulations, the company's shares will be delisted. The board of directors of the company reminds investors to pay attention to investment risks.

(600706) * ST Changxin: risk warning announcement

By written confirmation, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, Chang'an Information Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholders and substantial controllers confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major events. Please pay attention to investment risks.

(600711) ST strong earthquake: risk warning announcement

By written letter, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, Xiamen Xiongzhen Group Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholder and substantial controller have confirmed that there is no sensitive information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed that has a significant impact on stock prices, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring Other major asset restructuring events such as asset divestiture or asset injection. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600714) * ST Jinrui: risk warning announcement

By written letter, Qinghai Jinrui Mining Neither the controlling shareholder nor the actual controller of Fazhan Co., Ltd. has any material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset divestiture or asset injection and other major matters, and also promises not to plan the same matter within three months.

The company's main business strontium carbonate production project is still in the stage of debugging and rectification, and the output and quality are still unstable. According to the preliminary calculation of the company's financial department, the company has predicted that the company will continue to lose money in 2007 while disclosing the third quarter report of 2007. If the company continues to lose money in 2007, it will face the risk of suspension of listing or delisting. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600716) * ST Yaohua: Announcement on the progress of the controlling shareholder's planned transfer of the company's shares

Recently, Qinhuangdao Yaohua glass After receiving the notice from the controlling shareholder China Yaohua Glass Group Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Yaohua Group), Yaohua Group finally determined Jiangsu Phoenix Publishing Media Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Phoenix Media) as the transferee of the state-owned equity transfer of the company after public solicitation and comprehensive evaluation. At present, the restructuring cooperation framework agreement between Yaohua Group and Phoenix Media and the major asset restructuring plan are being formulated.

As there are still major uncertainties in the relevant equity transfer and restructuring, the Board of Directors hereby applies for the continued suspension of the Company's shares, and applies for resumption of trading after the equity transfer and restructuring agreement is signed and announced.

  (600718) Neusoft : Announcement of resolutions of the Board of Directors

Shenyang Neusoft Software Co., Ltd. held the 15th meeting of the 4th session of the Board of Directors on November 29, 2007 by means of communication voting. The meeting reviewed and passed the Report on the Company's Share Exchange to Merge Neusoft Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Neusoft Group) (Draft) (hereinafter referred to as the Merger Report) and the Merger Agreement between the Company and Neusoft Group (Draft) (hereinafter referred to as the Merger Agreement) : The Board of Directors compared the merger report with the Statement of the Company's Board of Directors and Neusoft Group's Board of Directors on the Company's Share Exchange Plan for the Merger of Neusoft Group, which was approved at the 2006 annual general meeting of shareholders; In view of the fact that the plan of the Company to merge Neusoft Group through share exchange has not been reviewed and approved by the Review Committee for Merger and Reorganization of Listed Companies of the CSRC, the Board of Directors reviewed and approved the Agreement on Merger between the Company and Neusoft Group (Draft), and compared it with the original merger agreement. See the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse. com. cn) on December 3, 2007 for the specific changes of the above matters.

The consolidated report shall be submitted to the CSRC for approval.

(600721) SST Baihua: risk warning announcement

Upon inquiry, up to now and within the foreseeable two weeks, Xinjiang Baihua Village Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholder and substantial controller have confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major issues. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600722) * ST Canghua: progress announcement of major events

At present, Cangzhou Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. has been suspended in accordance with relevant regulations due to entering into bankruptcy and reorganization procedures, and the company's shares will continue to be suspended because relevant procedures are in progress. After relevant matters are determined, the company will timely announce and resume trading.

(600728) SST Xintai: Risk Alert Announcement

At present, Xintai Technology Co., Ltd. has not received the written consent letter from the major shareholder to the share trading reform, and there is no feasible scheme to pay off the occupied funds. The number of shares held by the non tradable shareholders who proposed the share trading reform has not reached the limit of two-thirds of the relevant provisions; The company has not signed a recommendation contract with the recommendation institution for the share trading reform. The company could not disclose the share trading reform plan in the past week.

The company received the notice of auction from Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court on November 28, 2007, and 56648594 shares of the company's shares held by Guangzhou Xintai New Technology Research and Design Co., Ltd., the largest shareholder of the company, will be auctioned on December 10, which will have a significant impact on the company's control.

Liaoning Dalian Marine Fisheries Group, the second largest shareholder of the company, has signed an equity transfer agreement with the relevant transferee. On November 30, 2007, it received the approval of the People's Government of Liaoning Province for the transfer. The transfer of equity needs the approval of the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.

Investors should pay attention to investment risks.

(600728) SST Xintai: Announcement

The 56648594 shares of the company held by Guangzhou Xintai New Technology Research and Design Co., Ltd., the major shareholder of Xintai Technology Co., Ltd., will be auctioned on December 10, 2007. According to relevant regulations, the company's shares will be suspended from December 3, 2007 until the auction results are announced.

(600735) * ST Brocade Shares: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, Shandong Xinhuajin International Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholder and actual controller have confirmed that, except for the disclosed public information, there are no other major asset restructuring matters involving the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, asset stripping, etc. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600743) S ST Happiness: risk advisory announcement

According to the written letter, except for the announced major asset restructuring of the company and Beijing Huayuan Real Estate Co., Ltd., the company, its controlling shareholders and substantial controllers have confirmed that there is no sensitive information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, Including but not limited to other major asset restructuring matters involving equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection of the company.

All information of the Company shall be subject to the disclosure of the designated information disclosure media Shanghai Securities News, Securities Times and the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse. com. cn). Please pay attention to investment risks.

(600751, 900938) SST Tianhai: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, except for the state-owned equity transfer agreement signed between Tianhai Group Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of Tianjin Shipping Co., Ltd., and Grand China Logistics Holdings Co., Ltd., which was disclosed a few days ago, the company and its controlling shareholders have confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer Major events such as non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset divestiture or asset injection. Please pay attention to investment risks.

(600751, 900938) SST Tianhai: risk warning announcement on the progress of non tradable shares reform

At present, the number of shares held by non tradable shareholders who proposed the share trading reform by Tianjin Maritime Transport Co., Ltd. has not reached the limit of two-thirds of the relevant provisions; Tianhai Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Tianhai Group), the controlling shareholder of the Company, has signed a recommendation contract with the recommendation agency for the share trading reform.

The company could not disclose the share trading reform plan in the past week, so investors should pay attention to investment risks.

(600757) * ST Source: Risk Warning Announcement

According to the written letter, except for the ongoing debt restructuring and asset restructuring, Shanghai Huayuan Enterprise Development Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholders and substantial controllers have confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed so far and within the foreseeable two weeks. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600757) * ST Source: Progress Announcement of Major Events

At present, the trading of Shanghai Huayuan Enterprise Development Co., Ltd. has been suspended according to relevant regulations due to debt restructuring, asset restructuring and other matters. Now, the relevant procedures are in progress, so the trading of the company's shares will continue to be suspended. After relevant matters are determined, the company will timely announce and resume trading.

(600758) ST Hongyang: risk warning announcement

By written letter, Liaoning Hongyang Energy Investment Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholder and substantial controller have confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major issues. Please pay attention to investment risks.

(600759) * ST Overseas Chinese: Cancellation of delisting risk warning notice

The net profit of Hainan Overseas Chinese Investment Co., Ltd. in 2006 was 56306578.01 yuan. According to the relevant regulations, the situation of delisting risk warning for the company's shares has been eliminated. After the application of the company and the approval of Shanghai Stock Exchange, it was decided to cancel the delisting risk warning for the company's shares, but still to implement special treatment for the company's shares, namely "ST". Since December 4, 2007, the stock abbreviation of the company has been changed to "ST Overseas Chinese", the stock code remains unchanged, and the daily limit of stock price rise and fall is still 5%.

(600760) ST Panther: risk warning announcement

It is confirmed by letter that, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, Dong'an Black Panther Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholders and substantial controllers have confirmed that there is no sensitive information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed that has a significant impact on stock prices, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring Other major asset restructuring events such as asset divestiture or asset injection. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600766) Yuancheng Shares: Announcement

The shares of Yantai Yuancheng Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. were suspended from trading on November 8, 2007 due to the planned private placement. In view of the fact that the conditions for this major event are not yet mature, the Company hereby applies for the resumption of trading of shares on December 3, 2007 in accordance with relevant regulations.

The Company and its controlling shareholders promise not to discuss and discuss the issue of private placement within three months.

(600773) ST Yalong: Progress Announcement of Major Issues

Tibet Yalong Tibetan Medicine Co., Ltd. has been suspended in accordance with relevant regulations due to the planning of major asset restructuring and other matters. Now, the relevant procedures are in progress, so the company's shares will continue to be suspended. After relevant matters are determined, the company will timely announce and resume trading.

  (600784) Luyin Investment : Announcement

In view of the immature conditions for the major issues being discussed by Luyin Investment Group Co., Ltd. and relevant parties, we hereby apply for the resumption of trading of the company's shares on December 3, 2007 in accordance with relevant regulations.

The Company and its controlling shareholders guarantee that they will not discuss the non-public offering and major asset restructuring within three months.

  (600800) S * ST magnetic card : Risk warning announcement

At present, the number of shares held by non tradable shareholders of Tianjin Universal Magnetic Card Co., Ltd. who proposed the share trading reform has reached the limit of two-thirds of the relevant provisions; The company has not signed a recommendation contract with the recommendation institution for the share trading reform. The company could not disclose the share trading reform plan in the past week.

According to the written letter, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, except that the company is negotiating with the creditor bank about debt restructuring and Tianjin Universal Magnetic Card Group Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the company, has proposed a motion for share trading reform, there is no other major information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, business restructuring Major events such as asset divestiture or asset injection.

Please pay attention to investment risks.

  (600801、900933) Huaxin Cement : Resolution of the Board of Directors and Announcement of Convening Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. held the 18th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors by means of communication on November 30, 2007, at which the proposal on clarifying matters related to foreign investors' strategic investment in the company was reviewed and passed: at present, Holcim B.V., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Holcim Ltd., one of the largest cement manufacturers and distributors in the world, has made strategic investment in the company and increased its shares in the company by issuing A-shares (hereinafter referred to as "the strategic investment"), which is in the process of approval by relevant government departments. According to the relevant requirements, the matters related to the "strategic investment" plan are further clarified as follows: the company plans to issue no more than 160 million ordinary shares (A shares) to Holchin B.V. through the "strategic investment"; The issue price shall not be lower than 90% of the average trading price of the Company's shares 20 trading days before the announcement date of the resolution of the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors decided to hold the fourth extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2007 at 13:30 on December 19, 2007. The voting method of the meeting was a combination of on-site voting and online voting. Shareholders could exercise their voting rights through the trading system of Shanghai Stock Exchange. The online voting time was 9:30-11:30 and 13:00-15:00 on the same day to review the above matters.

The voting code of shareholders in this online voting is "738801" for A shares and "938933" for B shares; The voting abbreviations are "Huaxin Voting".

(600803) Weiyuan Biochemical: Announcement on Progress of Major Issues

Recently, upon inquiry, the controlling shareholder of Hebei Weiyuan Biochemical Co., Ltd. said that according to the relevant regulations, the plan on major issues was communicated with the relevant departments, and the information required for the plan was being improved, and there was still great uncertainty.

The trading of shares of the Company will continue to be suspended from the date of publication of this announcement until the relevant matters are determined, and the trading will be resumed and the relevant results will be disclosed.

(600828) * ST Chengshang: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, in addition to the announced resolutions of the 6th Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2007 and the 27th Session of the 5th Board of Directors, the Company, its controlling shareholders and actual controllers have confirmed that there is no sensitive information that should be disclosed but has not significantly affected the share price, Including but not limited to other major asset restructuring matters involving equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection of the company. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600841, 900920) Shangchai Shares: Announcement

Shanghai Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. learned that the controlling shareholder Shanghai Electric Group Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Automotive Industry (Group) Corporation (hereinafter referred to as SAIC Group) signed a letter of intent on share transfer on September 26, 2007. At present, SAIC Group has completed its due diligence on the company, and both parties are discussing specific matters related to the transfer of the company's shares, and the company's shares will continue to be suspended.

(600844, 900921) ST Danke: risk warning announcement

By written letter, Danhua Chemical Technology Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholder and substantial controller have confirmed that there is no major information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major issues. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600847) ST Yuwanli: Equity Transfer and Risk Alert Announcement

Chongqing Wanli Holding (Group) Co., Ltd. received a letter on November 30, 2007 from Shenzhen Nanfang Tongzheng Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Nanfang Tongzheng), the largest shareholder, and Chongqing Electromechanical Holding (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Electromechanical Holding), the second largest shareholder. Electromechanical Holding and Nanfang Tongzheng signed a share transfer agreement on November 29, 2007, Electromechanical Holding plans to transfer 5.9 million shares (6.65% of the total capital) of its 16516023 shares (18.63% of the total capital) of the company to Nanfang Tongzheng. After the transfer, Electromechanical Holding still holds 10616023 shares (11.98% of the total capital) of the company; The shares of the Company held by Nanfang Tongzheng have changed from 20681587 shares (23.33% of the total share capital) to 26581587 shares (29.98% of the total share capital); The transfer price is 7.01 yuan per share, and the total equity transfer price is 41.359 million yuan. The agreement shall come into force after being approved by the state-owned assets supervision and administration department.

In addition, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, the Company, its controlling shareholders and actual controllers have confirmed that there is no sensitive information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed that has a significant impact on stock prices, including but not limited to other major asset restructuring matters involving the Company's non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection.

The company is still in the process of production suspension, please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600856) Changbai Group: announcement on progress of important issues

As of November 30, 2007, the audit and evaluation of relevant assets by relevant intermediaries engaged by Changchun Department Store Group Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu Gaoli Group Co., Ltd., as well as the due diligence of legal and financial consultants, are in progress.

As the restructuring and private placement plan is still in the stage of demonstration and preparation for approval, the company's shares continue to be suspended until the company's restructuring plan and private placement plan are publicly disclosed.

(600862) S * ST General Science: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, as the acquisition of shares of the actual controller of Nantong Technology Investment Group Co., Ltd. is in the process of approval, the approval result is uncertain. In addition to the above matters, the Company and its actual controller confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, including but not limited to the Company's non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major matters. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600862) S * ST General Science: Announcement

The shares of Nantong Technology Investment Group Co., Ltd. are currently suspended. According to the spirit of the relevant notice, the company hereby announces as follows:

A few days ago, the company learned from the actual controller Nantong Industry and Trade State owned Assets Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Nantong Industry and Trade) that Nantong Science and Technology Industry and Trade Investment Development Co., Ltd. is in the process of hearing the Application Document for Exemption from Tender Offer, which was submitted to the China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the CSRC).

Nantong Industry and Trade will handle the equity transfer procedures after receiving the Letter of No Objection to Exemption from Tender Offer for Acquisition issued by the CSRC. According to relevant regulations, the company's shares will be resumed after the implementation of the split share structure reform.

(600865) Top 100: Indicative announcement on the progress of the split share structure reform

At present, the non tradable shareholders of Baida Group Co., Ltd. are studying the issues related to the company's share trading reform, and have not proposed a new share trading reform plan; At present, the recommendation institution of the Company's share trading reform is still Deppon Securities Co., Ltd.

There is uncertainty about whether the company can disclose the share trading reform plan at a certain time in the future, so investors should pay attention to the risks.

(600871) S-Yihua: suggestive announcement of share trading reform

According to relevant regulations, the non tradable shareholders of Sinopec Yizheng Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. once again proposed the share trading reform motion. As agreed with Shanghai Stock Exchange, the trading of A-shares of the Company was suspended from December 3, 2007; The Company's A-share market related shareholders' meeting notice and information related to the share trading reform will be disclosed in the near future.

(600890) ST Zhongfang: risk warning and major event progress announcement

After written confirmation to China Real Estate Development Group Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "China Real Estate Group"), the largest shareholder, and Tianjin Zhongwei Commerce and Trade Co., Ltd., the second largest shareholder, China Real Estate Group said that it was still communicating with relevant departments on the relevant issues announced in the Company's Risk Alert Announcement on October 29, 2007. During this period, the company's shares will continue to be suspended.

In addition, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, the Company and the above shareholders have confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to major matters involving the Company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection. Please pay attention to investment risks.

(600891) S * ST Qiulin: risk warning announcement

At present, the number of shares held by non tradable shareholders of Harbin Qiulin Group Co., Ltd. who proposed the share trading reform has reached the limit of two-thirds of the relevant provisions, but the 59913695 shares held by Heilongjiang Benma Industrial Group Co., Ltd., the largest shareholder of the company, have been frozen by the judiciary, and the relevant consideration plan cannot be implemented; The company has signed a recommendation contract with the recommendation agency for the share trading reform. The company could not disclose the share trading reform plan in the past week.

According to the written letter, the Company, its controlling shareholders and substantial controllers have confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the Company's equity transfer, non-public development, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset divestiture or asset injection, in addition to the major events that have been disclosed by the Company, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks.

Please pay attention to investment risks.

(600892) S ST Huke: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, in addition to the disclosed major issues, the Company, its controlling shareholders and substantial controllers have confirmed that there is no major information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring Major events such as asset divestiture or asset injection. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

(600892) S ST Huke: Announcement on the Progress of Share trading Reform

Due to the interaction between the share trading reform and major asset restructuring of Hebei Huda Science and Technology Education Development Co., Ltd

It is carried out in combination with the premise, but the major asset restructuring has not yet obtained the letter of no objection issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, so the company is unable to carry out the share trading reform at present. The Company will complete major asset restructuring and share trading reform as soon as possible after receiving the letter of no objection issued by the CSRC.

(600893) SJMC: Announcement on Progress of Major Asset Restructuring

At present, Jilin Huarun Biochemistry Co., Ltd. has learned from all parties concerned that since the announcement of major issues reviewed and approved at the fifth session of the fifth board of directors, all parties concerned and intermediaries have completed the prudent investigation, audit and evaluation of the assets to be sold and purchased. Recently, the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense has given an approval in principle to the main business of Xi'an Aero Engine (Group) Co., Ltd. injected into the listed company, and the implementation of the scheme still needs to go through the relevant approval procedures.

  (580007、600900) Yangtze Power : Announcement of resolutions of the Board of Directors

The 19th meeting of the second session of the Board of Directors of China Yangtze Power Co., Ltd. was held on November 30, 2007, and the following resolutions were passed at the meeting:

1、 The company obtained about 34% of the equity of Anhui Energy Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Wanneng Group) through the proposal of the company's strategic investment in Anhui Energy Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Wanneng Group) by combining stock purchase with capital increase and share expansion with cash of 2.85 billion yuan; In addition, according to the progress of strategic cooperation between the company and relevant enterprises in Anhui Province, the company can increase its capital to Wanneng Group again, and the specific plan will be approved separately.

2、 Through the rectification report of special corporate governance activities, see the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse. com. cn) on December 3, 2007 for details.

3、 To adopt the proposal to formulate the management measures for the shares held by the directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company and their changes.

The Board of Directors decided to convene the fourth extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2007 to review the first proposal above. The specific time of the meeting will be announced separately.

(600984) * ST Construction Machinery: risk warning announcement

By written letter, so far and within the foreseeable two weeks, Shaanxi Construction machinery The joint stock limited company, its controlling shareholders and substantial controllers confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major issues. Please pay attention to investment risks.

  (601390) China Railway : Announcement of H-share offering price

The global offering price of China Railway Corporation Limited has been set at HK $5.78 per H-share (excluding 1% brokerage commission, 0.004% transaction levy of Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission and 0.005% transaction fee of Hong Kong Stock Exchange).

On December 6, 2007, the Company will separately announce the application amount of Hong Kong public offering, the subscription enthusiasm of international offering and the allotment benchmark of Hong Kong offering shares.

(601866) China Shipping Group: IPO of A-share online roadshow announcement

The application for the initial public offering of RMB ordinary shares (A shares) of China Shipping Container Transportation Co., Ltd. has been approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission in the document ZJFXZ [2007] No. 447. This issuance will be conducted by combining offline price inquiry and allotment to inquiry objects with online fund subscription and issuance.

The company and the co sponsor (the lead underwriter) will hold an online roadshow on the China Securities Network (www.cnstock. com) from 13:30 to 17:30 on December 4, 2007.

(601918) SDIC Xinji: Online Roadshow Announcement of IPO of A-shares

The application of SDIC Xinji Energy Co., Ltd. for the initial public offering of no more than 500 million RMB ordinary shares (A shares) has been approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission in ZJFXZ [2007] No. 443 document. This issuance is conducted by combining offline price inquiry and allotment to inquiry objects with online fund subscription and issuance. The company and the sponsor (lead underwriter) of this offering will hold an online roadshow on the China Securities Network (www.cnstock. com) from 14:00 to 17:00 on December 4, 2007.

(900939) * ST Huili B: risk warning announcement

According to the written letter, Shanghai Huili Building Materials Co., Ltd., its controlling shareholder and substantial controller have confirmed that there is no material information that should be disclosed but has not been disclosed, including but not limited to the company's equity transfer, non-public offering, debt restructuring, business restructuring, asset stripping or asset injection and other major issues.

Please pay attention to investment risks.

  (120205) 02 Yucheng Investment : Interest payment announcement

The 2002 Chongqing Urban Construction Investment Corporation corporate bonds issued by Chongqing Urban Construction Investment Corporation on December 9, 2002 will start to pay the interest from December 10, 2007 from December 9, 2006 to December 8, 2007, with the annual coupon rate of 4.32%. The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

Registration date of creditor's rights: December 6, 2007

Ex dividend trading date: December 7, 2007

Centralized interest payment period: 20 trading days from December 10, 2007

Perennial interest payment: investors who do not receive interest during the centralized interest payment period can still receive interest during business hours at the business outlets where their bonds are managed after the centralized interest payment period ends.

  (120306) 03 China Power Investment Corporation : Interest payment announcement

The 2003 China Power Investment Corporation corporate bonds issued by China Power Investment Corporation on December 8, 2003 will pay the interest from December 10, 2007, with the annual coupon rate of 5.02%, from December 8, 2006 to December 7, 2007. The relevant matters are announced as follows:

Registration date of creditor's rights: December 6, 2007

Ex dividend trading date: December 7, 2007

Centralized interest payment period: 20 trading days from December 10, 2007

Perennial interest payment: investors who do not receive interest during the centralized interest payment period can still receive interest at the business outlets where their bonds are managed after the centralized interest payment period ends.

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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