The Central Bank has issued 5 more anti money laundering tickets, and Galaxy Securities is on the list

The Central Bank has issued 5 more anti money laundering tickets, and Galaxy Securities is on the list
15:53, August 2, 2018 China Fund News

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The central bank will issue 5 more tickets! Banks, securities companies and insurance companies were all recruited for anti money laundering, and SPDC was fined the highest amount!

Original Lingyun

Yesterday, the central bank posted five anti money laundering tickets on its official website, which is the first anti money laundering ticket issued by the central bank since 2018.

The five institutions fined this time include three banks, one securities firm and one insurance company, respectively: Bank of Communications Ping An Bank Shanghai Pudong Development Bank , Galaxy Securities and China Life

The letter of decision on punishment shows that the fines imposed on the five institutions totaled 6.1 million yuan, of which the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank was fined 1.7 million yuan, the highest among the five institutions; In addition, the relevant responsible persons of five institutions were punished with a total of 520000 yuan. The decision on punishment was made on July 26, 2018.

   Penalty due to illegal operation of anti money laundering

The fine issued by the Central Bank this time is aimed at the previous illegal operations of five institutions in anti money laundering.

The letter of decision on punishment shows that Bank of Communications, Ping An Bank and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank all failed to perform the obligation of customer identification as required, and failed to submit large sum transaction reports or suspicious transaction reports as required.

In addition, Bank of Communications also violated the rules of trading with unknown customers or opening anonymous accounts and pseudonymous accounts for customers, while Ping An Bank failed to keep customer identity information and transaction records as required.

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, which has the highest amount of fines, conducts the most illegal operations, fails to keep customer identity information and transaction records as required, and conducts transactions with unidentified customers.

Galaxy Securities failed to perform the obligation of customer identification in accordance with the provisions and conducted transactions with customers with unknown identities; The violations of China Life Insurance include failure to keep customer identity information and transaction records as required, and failure to submit large sum transaction reports or suspicious transaction reports as required.

   Five institutions and responsible persons were fined 6.62 million yuan

The ticket issued by the People's Bank of China shows that the illegal operations of the three banks occurred from January 1, 2017 to June 30, 2017, while the violations of Galaxy Securities occurred from January 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017, and China Life Insurance occurred from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016.

The three banks and Galaxy Securities were fined 500000 yuan for failing to perform the obligation of customer identification as required.

Bank of Communications and China Life Insurance were fined 400000 yuan and Ping An Bank and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank were fined 500000 yuan for failing to submit large amount transaction reports or suspicious transaction reports as required.

Transactions with unidentified customers resulted in a fine of 400000 yuan from Bank of Communications and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, and a fine of 500000 yuan from Galaxy Securities.

In addition, Ping An Bank was fined 400000 yuan for failing to keep the customer's identity information and transaction records as required; Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and China Life Insurance were fined 300000 yuan for failing to keep customer identity information and transaction records in accordance with regulations.

To sum up, the Central Bank fined Bank of Communications 1.3 million yuan, Ping An Bank 1.4 million yuan, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank 1.7 million yuan, and the relevant responsible persons of the three banks 80000 yuan, 140000 yuan and 180000 yuan respectively; Galaxy Securities and China Life were fined 1 million yuan and 700000 yuan respectively, and the relevant responsible persons of both institutions were fined 60000 yuan.

   Only the listed company China Life Insurance was fined

Among the five punished institutions, except Galaxy Securities, Bank of Communications, Ping An Bank, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and China Life Insurance are all A-share listed companies.

At present, only China Life Insurance announced its punishment by the Central Bank on July 29. According to the announcement, the company attaches great importance to the problems pointed out in the punishment, and immediately checks and corrects, checks and corrects at the same time during the on-site inspection by the central bank.

The announcement said that as of the same day, the company had improved its anti money laundering system, established a new generation of anti money laundering system, and refined the workflow of customer identification, transaction record keeping, high-value transactions and suspicious transaction reporting. In the future, we will continue to improve the risk control system and do a good job in anti money laundering.

As of today, three listed banks have not announced the receipt of anti money laundering punishment from the Central Bank.

Editor in charge: Wang Han

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