Small survey: Can temples also be listed? Does Putuo Mountain meet the listing requirements?

Small survey: Can temples also be listed? Does Putuo Mountain meet the listing requirements?
09:38, April 12, 2018 Sina Finance

Sina Finance News Recently, Mount Putuo Tourism released an updated prospectus, and the IPO will be approaching. With the gradual listing schedule of Mount Putuo, all parties have doubts about its listing Who is Commercializing Buddhism? -- Worries about Putuo Mountain's Listing The article said that the listing of Mount Putuo "violates the religious laws, regulations and policies just issued by the state, and it is the sorrow of the whole society to" go public "in the name of belief."

Do you think the temple can be listed? Does Putuo Mountain meet the listing requirements? Come and participate in the survey with your partners, and you can also express your own opinions!


Editor in charge: Gao Yanyun

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