The top 10 news that this Mid Autumn Festival affects A-shares has arrived (attached table+comments)

The top 10 news that this Mid Autumn Festival affects A-shares has arrived (attached table+comments)
19:55, September 24, 2018 Sina Finance We Media Integration

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China Foundation News reporter Lin Xue

Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. The Fund wishes you all a happy Mid Autumn Festival. The happy Mid Autumn Festival holiday is coming to an end, and we will have a few working days before the National Day holiday. So, we'd better follow the Fund King to see what happened during the Mid Autumn Festival holiday, which will affect the opening of A-shares tomorrow.

For example, the State Council Reform Office issued a white paper on the Facts and China's Position on Sino US Economic and Trade Friction, the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong High speed Railway was officially opened to traffic, the State Council issued a reply on the construction plan of the Shenfu Reform and Innovation Demonstration Zone, Evergrande invested 14.5 billion yuan as the second shareholder of Guanghui Group, and created a base price of 770 million yuan to take over two core assets of LeTV It is rumored that the pre-sale system of commercial housing has been cancelled. Today, Hong Kong real estate stocks fell sharply

1. The white paper "Facts and China's Position on Sino US Economic and Trade Friction" was released

Xinhua News Agency reported that the State Council Information Office released a white paper on the facts of Sino US economic and trade frictions and China's position on the 24th, aiming to clarify the facts of Sino US economic and trade relations, clarify China's policy stance on Sino US economic and trade frictions, and promote the rational solution of problems. The full text of the white paper is about 36000 words. In addition to the preface, it includes six parts, namely, the mutually beneficial and win-win economic and trade cooperation between China and the United States, the facts of Sino US economic and trade relations, the trade protectionism of the United States government, the trade hegemonism of the United States government, the harm of the improper practices of the United States government to the world's economic development, and China's position.

The white paper said that since the new US government took office in 2017, under the slogan of "the United States first", it abandoned the basic norms of international exchanges such as mutual respect and equal consultation, implemented unilateralism, protectionism and economic hegemonism, made a series of false accusations against many countries and regions, especially China, and resorted to increasing tariffs and other means of economic intimidation, Try to impose their own interests on China by limiting pressure.

The white paper said that in the face of this situation, China, from the perspective of safeguarding the common interests of the two countries and the overall situation of the world trade order, adheres to the basic principle of resolving disputes through dialogue and consultation, responds to the concerns of the United States with utmost patience and sincerity, properly handles differences with the attitude of seeking common ground while reserving differences, overcomes various difficulties, carries out multiple rounds of dialogue and consultation with the United States, and proposes practical solutions, We have made strenuous efforts to stabilize bilateral economic and trade relations. However, the United States has reversed course and constantly raised difficulties, leading to the continuous escalation of Sino US economic and trade frictions in a short period of time, which has greatly damaged the Sino US economic and trade relations that the governments and people of the two countries have worked hard to cultivate for many years, and also seriously threatened the multilateral trade system and free trade principles. In order to clarify the facts of Sino US economic and trade relations, clarify China's policy stance on Sino US economic and trade frictions, and promote the rational solution of the problem, the Chinese government hereby issues this white paper.

2. Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong High speed Railway officially opened to traffic

According to the Securities Times, at 10:00 am on September 22, the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong High speed Railway was held at the West Kowloon Station in Hong Kong. At the opening ceremony, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Lam Cheng Yueh ngo, said that the opening of the Hong Kong section of the high-speed railway marked that Hong Kong officially joined the national high-speed railway network and entered a new era of high-speed railway.

It is understood that the Hong Kong section of the high-speed railway starts from Hong Kong West Kowloon Station, with a total length of 26 kilometers. It will be officially opened on September 23, bringing Hong Kong into the national high-speed railway network with a total length of 25000 kilometers.

In the context of the continuous promotion of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, the opening of the Hong Kong section of the high-speed railway will further promote the connectivity of the three regions. The relevant targets of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area deserve attention. In particular, the opening of the Hong Kong section of the high-speed railway is expected to increase the number of visitors to Hong Kong, and enterprises that actively deploy in the local tourism and consumer markets are expected to benefit.

On September 23, the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong High speed Railway was officially opened to traffic. At 6:44 a.m., train G5711 left Shenzhen North Station and headed for Hong Kong West Kowloon Station, which was the first high-speed railway into Hong Kong.

According to media reports, today, Mr. Zhu, a Shenzhen citizen, took the G5711 train with a "Shenzhen North Futian" high-speed rail ticket, but after arriving at Futian Station, Mr. Zhu claimed that he forgot to get off the train, and took an extra 14 minutes to cross the station to West Kowloon Station in Hong Kong. He was eventually fined 1500 Hong Kong dollars.

According to the Cross border Transport Rules of the Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong High speed Railway, if it is found that there is no ticket at the West Kowloon Station in Hong Kong, or the passenger is riding with an invalid ticket, such as a forged or altered ticket, a surcharge will be charged according to the By laws of Hong Kong Railway. The surcharge from each station of Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong line to West Kowloon station is HK $1500, and the surcharge for other lines is HK $3000. In case of overtaking, the station will mark "Miscarriage" on the back of the ticket and stamp the name of the station before returning it for free. If a passenger claims to have missed a flight more than 10 minutes after arriving at the station, it will be treated as no ticket.

3. Reply of the State Council on the Construction Plan of Shenfu Reform and Innovation Demonstration Zone

Recently, the State Council issued an official reply on the construction plan of Shenfu Reform and Innovation Demonstration Zone, agreeing in principle to the Construction Plan of Shenfu Reform and Innovation Demonstration Zone.

The official reply said that the construction of Shen Fu reform and innovation demonstration zone, the comprehensive implementation of a new round of revitalization strategy for old industrial bases in Northeast China and other regions, the focus of reform and innovation, the promotion of system and mechanism reform, the in-depth implementation of innovation driven development strategy, the cultivation of modern industrial system, the promotion of green and low-carbon development, and the construction of a pilot area for reform and opening up in Northeast China A benchmark area for optimizing the investment and business environment, a leading area for innovation driven development, and a new engine for Liaoning's revitalization and development.

The People's Government of Liaoning Province should strengthen the organization and leadership of the construction of Shen Fu reform and innovation demonstration zone, improve the working mechanism, formulate supporting measures as soon as possible, implement the work responsibilities, ensure that the goals and tasks defined in the Plan are achieved as scheduled, and form a strong radiation and driving role for Liaoning and even the Northeast.

Fund Jun checked WIND and found that listed companies in Shenyang and Fushun include Shenyang Machine Tool Northeast Pharmaceutical Wanfang Development * ST Fushun Huitian Thermal Power Shenyang Chemical ZTE Commercial Ovi Communications Great intelligence Cuihua Jewelry robot Jinbei Auto Neusoft Group Peach and plum bread Etc.

4. Evergrande contributed 14.5 billion yuan to become the second shareholder of Guanghui Group

Last night, China Evergrande announced that Evergrande Group and Guanghui Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement on September 21, 2018, and the two sides agreed to carry out comprehensive strategic cooperation in automobile sales, energy, real estate, logistics and other fields, give full play to their resource advantages to integrate resources, and jointly promote the development of related industries.

According to the announcement, the controlling shareholder of Guanghui Group promises to facilitate the transfer of 23.865% of the total equity of Guanghui Group to Evergrande Group by the existing shareholders of Guanghui Group (i.e. the transferor) other than the controlling shareholder of Guanghui Group within 7 working days from the date of signing the investment agreement, at a price of RMB 6.68 billion. At the same time, Evergrande Group also increased its capital to Guanghui Group with 7.81 billion yuan. After the capital increase, Evergrande Group will hold 40.964% of the equity of Guanghui Group and become the second largest shareholder of Guanghui Group. The total transaction price was 14.49 billion yuan.

At the same time, Guanghui Baoxin, a Hong Kong listed company, also announced the matter. Today, Guanghui Baoxin opened significantly higher, rising nearly 42% at the opening, up to 16.32% at the closing price of HK $2.78.

Tonight? Guanghui Automobile Guanghui Logistics Guanghui Energy According to the announcement, Sun Guangxin, the controlling shareholder of Guanghui Group and the actual controller of the three companies, signed the Strategic Cooperation Agreement and the Investment Agreement with Evergrande Group. Evergrande Group plans to invest 14.5 billion yuan in Guanghui Group and become the second largest shareholder with 40.964% of its shares.

The three companies all said that the signing of the above agreement did not change the status of the controlling shareholder, the actual controller did not change, and did not have a significant impact on the company's total assets, net assets, operating income, net profit and other financial indicators in 2018.

5. Hong Kong real estate stocks fell sharply, and it was rumored that the pre-sale system of commercial housing was cancelled

Last week, a document came out of the market that Guangdong Province plans to gradually cancel the pre-sale system of commercial housing and fully implement the sales of existing housing, causing concern. In addition, the documents circulated showed that the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development sent letters to Guangdong, Hubei, Sichuan, Jiangsu, Henan, Liaoning and other provinces at the same time, requesting "research and demonstration of pre-sale system".

Subsequently, the Guangdong Housing Association responded, "This document is just a draft for consultation, not really implemented." That night, the market supervisor of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development also refuted the rumor that the consultation for the cancellation of pre-sale of commercial housing was not true, but did not directly deny the request for in-depth research.

The cancellation of the pre-sale system of commercial housing is actually a huge change in the business model of the entire real estate industry. Some analysts said that if the news is true, China's property market will completely say goodbye to the "Hong Kong model", earth shaking, and the inflection point of the property market has come.

Housing stocks in Hong Kong stocks fell sharply today, Green City China fell 6.22%, Country Garden fell 5.57%, and Vanke Enterprises fell 2.87%.

6. Rongchuang RMB 770 million at the bottom price to take over LeEco as two core assets

At 10:00 a.m. on September 21, the equity held by LeTV Holdings was publicly auctioned on the judicial auction network platform of the Third Intermediate People's Court of Beijing. The auction targets included three projects, including New LeTV Zhijia (renamed "Lerong Zhixin") and LeTV Pictures, with a total starting price of 773 million yuan.

By the end of the auction at 10:00 a.m. on the 22nd, only one bidder had signed up and made a quotation. Finally, all three lots were sold at the bottom price by that bidder. The buyer, Tianjin Jiarui Huixin Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., is an investment company owned by Rongchuang China (01918. HK), and also an investment subject that helped LeEco with 15 billion yuan in early 2017. This means that Letv's core assets are taken into account by Rongchuang. After the transaction is completed, Rongchuang will become the largest shareholder of Lerong Zhixin and Letv Pictures, and Letv Holdings will fully withdraw.

7. The vaccine management system was approved after deep reorganization

On September 20, the fourth meeting of the Central Committee for the Comprehensive Deepening of Reform deliberated and adopted the Opinions on Reforming and Improving the Vaccine Management System. At present, the Opinions have not been released.

According to the Securities Times, there were about four points in the meeting: First, to reform and improve the vaccine management system, we must address both the symptoms and root causes, focus on the root causes, take strong measures, tighten market access, and strengthen market supervision.

Second, optimize distribution, standardize vaccination management, resolutely plug regulatory loopholes, crack down on violations, and ensure the safety of vaccine production and supply.

Third, we should give play to the leading role of state-owned enterprises and large backbone enterprises, and strengthen vaccine R&D innovation, technology upgrading and quality management.

Fourth, we should pay close attention to improving relevant laws and regulations, and solve the prominent problems such as low illegal cost of vaccine drugs and weak punishment as soon as possible.

8. FTSE Russell will announce whether to include Chinese A-shares in its index system

According to the Shanghai Securities News, after MSCI, the world's largest index compilation company, included some A-shares in its emerging index, FTSE Russell, the world's second largest index company, will officially announce whether to include Chinese A-shares in its index system in the early morning of September 27, Beijing time. According to the reporter, the probability of inclusion is very high, which will bring more incremental overseas funds to the A-share market.

It is understood that the results of the FTSE Russell annual seminar will be officially announced on September 26 local time (after the closing of the US market). One of its core issues is to decide whether to upgrade China's A-shares from "ungraded" to "secondary emerging markets". If China's A-share is upgraded to a secondary emerging market this time, it will be formally included in its FTSE GEIS index system.

Mark Makepeace, CEO of FTSE Russell, has publicly stated that if FTSE Russell included China's A-shares in its core index, its weight on China's A-shares may be higher than that of its competitor, MSCI. At present, the proportion of Chinese A-shares in MSCI emerging market index is about 0.8%, and Mark claims that the proportion of A-shares in FTSE Russell is likely to exceed 0.8%.

9. 53 people were prosecuted, including the boss of Shanlin Finance

@Police and people direct train - Shanghai official microblog news on September 21. On September 20, 2018, the Pudong Branch of Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau transferred 12 people, including Zhou, the legal representative of Shanlin Finance, and Tian, the CEO of Shanlin Finance, to the People's Procuratorate of Pudong New Area for investigation and prosecution on suspicion of fund-raising fraud. Another 41 suspects were transferred to the People's Procuratorate of Pudong New Area for investigation and prosecution on suspicion of illegally absorbing public deposits.

It is understood that since October 2013, the suspect Zhou has registered "Shanlin Finance" and recruited business manager Gao and others to form a company framework in order to solve the problem of project funds. Later, 1120 branches and stores have been set up in 29 provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government. Since February 2015, Zhou has successively set up four online investment and financing platforms, namely "Shanlin Wealth", "Shanlin Treasure", "Happiness Bank" (later renamed as "Yibaodai") and "Guangqun Finance". Similarly, with the promise of repayment of principal and payment of high interest as bait, he sold fictitious financial products through the above Internet platforms to defraud investors of funds.

As of the incident on April 9, 2018, "Shanlin Finance" has illegally raised more than 73.6 billion yuan, most of which has been used to repay the principal and interest to early investors, thus creating the illusion that the company is profitable and operating well. Some of the illegally raised funds were squandered on high operating costs such as paying high commissions, renting luxury office space, advertising and publicity, as well as personal spending, which ultimately led to the company's capital chain breaking and difficult to maintain operations and pay principal and interest.

The total outstanding principal at the time of the crime was more than 21.3 billion yuan. So far, the police have sealed up and frozen relevant bank accounts, real estate, cars, equity and other assets. After full recovery of stolen goods, the initial recovery of more than 1.5 billion yuan in cash is still in progress, and the final recovery will be carried out according to law.

  10、 BGI Clarify rumors: there is no illegal medical practice

Tonight, BGI announced that recently it noticed that the relevant information released again by a certain user of Sina Weibo involved the bad dissemination of false information about listed companies. Rumors mainly questioned the illegal medical practice of listed companies. The company clarified that the non-invasive prenatal genetic testing meets the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, and there is no illegal medical practice.

BGI said that the company once again checked the related matters of the online rumors, and now further clarified the related matters as follows: BGI respects science and rigorous technology, and the institutions that carry out non-invasive prenatal gene testing all have medical institution practice licenses, and have obtained the technical acceptance certificate of clinical gene amplification testing laboratory, and the testing equipment The reagents and data analysis software have been approved and registered by the Food and Drug Administration, and the laboratory personnel engaged in testing have obtained the qualification certificate of clinical gene amplification testing technology training.

BGI also said that at present, the lawsuit between BGI Holdings and BGI Research Institute and the individual user is in progress and has been reported criminally. The individual user publicly spreads false information about the listed company, which has caused a very bad impact on the reputation of the listed company and the gene industry, and has caused psychological panic and economic losses to investors and testing users, The company strongly protested and condemned this, and will take all legal means to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of itself, investors and testing users.


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Editor in charge: Zhang Heng

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